Sjørøverne på Saltkråkan by Astrid Lindgren / The Pirates of Saltkråkan / Norwegian book / Photos by Sven-Eric Delér, Stig Hallgren / Hardcover / N. W. Damm & Søn 1991
Hardcover 1993
ISBN: 9788251776325 / 978-8251776325
ISBN-10: 8251776325
PUBLISHER: N. W. Damm & Søn
LANGUAGE: Norwegian / Norsk
!!! Condition of this book USED VERY GOOD! Cover shows minor ware, but inside the book is LIKE NEW !!!
Norwegian description
Om Tjorven, Båtsmann og alle de andre som tilbringer sommeren på Saltkråkan. Når de drar til Ødebukten, hvor det er gamle naust og en falleferdig skute, ligger alt til rette for en hendelsesrik sjørøverstrid.
About the Author
Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren, née Ericsson, (1907 - 2002) was a Swedish children's book author and screenwriter, whose many titles were translated into 85 languages and published in more than 100 countries. She has sold roughly 165 million copies worldwide. Today, she is most remembered for writing the Pippi Longstocking books, as well as the Karlsson-on-the-Roof book series.