
Serbian Teach Your Children Orthodox Patron-Saint Feasts and Traditions / Children's Poems / Full page color illustrations

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Serbian Teach Your Children Orthodox Patron-Saint Feasts and Traditions / Дечија Славарица

Title / Naslov: Serbian Teach Your Children Orthodox Patron-Saint Feasts and Traditions
Serbian Title / Srpski Naslov: Дечија Славарица - Dečija Slavarica
Subtitle / Podnaslov: Dečije Pesme o Krsnim Slavama i Običajima
Illustrations / Ilustracije: Full Page Color Illustrations
Author / Autor: Zeljko Perovic

Product Details

  • Binding / Povez: Paperback
  • Pages / Stranice: 32
  • ISBN: 9788689631135 / 978-8689631135
  • Publisher / Izdavač: "Knjiga Znamenje" Missionaries of St. Dimitrije Orthodox Monastery, Serbia (2015)
  • Language / Jezik: Serbian - Cyrillic Script
  • Illustrator / Ilustrator: Vladimir Mancic
  • Printed in / Štampano u: "Pi Press," Pirot, Serbia
  • Copies Printed / Otpremu: 1,000


Serbian Teach Your Children Orthodox Patron-Saint Feasts and Traditions is a delightful collection of poems that introduces children to the rich traditions and feasts of Orthodox patron saints. Authored by Zeljko Perovic, this beautifully illustrated 32-page paperback features vibrant, full-page color illustrations by Vladimir Mancic, engaging young readers in the beauty of Orthodox customs.

Атекстр / Преглед
Дечија Славарица je divna zbirka pesama koja upoznaje decu sa bogatim tradicijama i slavama pravoslavnih svetaca. Autor Zeljko Perović, u ovoj prelepo ilustrovanoj knjizi od 32 strane, koristi živopisne, celostrane ilustracije Vladimira Mančića kako bi angažovao mlade čitaoce u lepotama pravoslavnih običaja.

Key Features

  • Celebrating Tradition: Each poem celebrates a specific patron saint and the corresponding feast, making it easier for children to understand and appreciate their heritage.
  • Engaging Illustrations: The colorful illustrations enhance the reading experience, helping to visually convey the themes of each poem.
  • Educational Resource: This book serves as an excellent tool for parents and educators to teach children about Orthodox traditions and values in a fun and engaging way.

Ključne Karakteristike

  • Proslava Tradicije: Svaka pesma slavi određenog sveca zaštitnika i odgovarajuću slavu, olakšavajući deci razumevanje i uvažavanje njihove baštine.
  • Privlačne ilustracije: Šarene ilustracije obogaćuju čitalačko iskustvo, pomažući vizuelno da prenesu teme svake pesme.
  • Obrazovni resurs: Ova knjiga je odličan alat za roditelje i prosvetitelje da na zabavan i angažovan način uče decu o pravoslavnim tradicijama i vrednostima.

Interesting Facts

  • This book not only entertains but also educates children about the significance of their faith and the feasts celebrated throughout the Orthodox calendar.
  • The author, Zeljko Perovic, is dedicated to creating engaging literature that instills Christian values in young readers.

Zanimljive Činjenice

  • Ova knjiga ne samo da zabavlja već i obrazuje decu o značaju njihove vere i praznicima koji se proslavljaju tokom pravoslavnog kalendara.
  • Autor Zeljko Perović je posvećen stvaranju angažovane književnosti koja usadjuje hrišćanske vrednosti u mlade čitaoce.


Published by "Knjiga Znamenje," a mission and publishing activity of the St. Dimitrije Orthodox Monastery in Serbia, this book reflects a commitment to educating children about their faith through engaging literature.


Objavila "Knjiga Znamenje," misionarska i izdavačka delatnost manastira Sv. Dimitrija u Srbiji, ova knjiga odražava posvećenost obrazovanju dece o njihovoj veri kroz angažovanu književnost.

We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences with this book to inspire other families in their journey of teaching their children about Orthodox traditions!


#OrthodoxChildren #PatronSaints #ChristianTraditions #ZeljkoPerovic #ColorIllustrations #SerbianLiterature #ChildrenPoems

Hashtags (Serbian)

#PravoslavnaDeca #SvetiZaštitnici #HrišćanskeTradicije #ZeljkoPerović #IlustracijeUBoji #SrpskaKnjiževnost #DečijePesme









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