Serbian Orthodox Colorful Book about Saint Simeon Mirotocivi / Свети Симеон Миротоциви / Sveti Simeon Mirotocivi
Product Features
- Title: Serbian Orthodox Colorful Book about Saint Simeon Mirotocivi
- Author: Orthodox Church
- Language: Serbian
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Year: 2016
- Pages: 54
- Publisher: Митрополија Црногорско Приморска / The Orthodox Church
The "Serbian Orthodox Colorful Book about Saint Simeon Mirotocivi" is a beautifully illustrated publication dedicated to the life and legacy of Saint Simeon Mirotocivi, a revered figure in Serbian Orthodox Christianity. This book serves as an engaging resource for both children and adults, providing insights into the saint's significance within the Orthodox faith. The vibrant illustrations and accessible language make it an excellent addition to any religious library, fostering a deeper understanding of Serbian Orthodox traditions and teachings.
Interesting Facts
- Saint Simeon Mirotocivi, also known as Stefan Nemanja, was a pivotal figure in Serbian history, recognized for unifying Serbian lands and establishing the independent Serbian state.
- He is celebrated not only as a ruler but also as a defender of Orthodoxy, playing a crucial role in the consolidation of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
- The book is designed to be visually appealing, making it suitable for educational purposes in churches and homes alike, especially for younger audiences.
Track Listing
Not applicable for this book.
- Митрополија Црногорско Приморска / The Orthodox Church
#SaintSimeon #OrthodoxChristianity #SerbianLiterature #ChildrenBooks #ReligiousEducation #ChristianFaith #SerbianOrthodox #CulturalHeritage
Translations (Serbian)
"Srpska pravoslavna šarena knjiga o Svetom Simeonu Mirotocivom" je lepo ilustrovana publikacija posvećena životu i nasleđu Svetog Simeona Mirotocivog, poštovanog lika u srpskom pravoslavlju. Ova knjiga služi kao zanimljiv resurs za decu i odrasle, pružajući uvide u značaj sveca unutar pravoslavne vere. Vividne ilustracije i pristupačan jezik čine je odličnim dodatkom svakoj religijskoj biblioteci, podstičući dublje razumevanje srpskih pravoslavnih tradicija i učenja.
Zanimljive činjenice
- Sveti Simeon Mirotocivi, poznat i kao Stefan Nemanja, bio je ključna figura u srpskoj istoriji, prepoznat po ujedinjenju srpskih zemalja i uspostavljanju nezavisne srpske države.
- Slavi se ne samo kao vladar, već i kao branilac pravoslavlja, igrajući ključnu ulogu u konsolidaciji Srpske pravoslavne crkve.
#SvetiSimeon #PravoslavnoHrišćanstvo #SrpskaKnjiževnost #DečijeKnjige #ReligijskoObrazovanje #HrišćanskaVera #SrpskaPravoslavna #KulturnoNasleđe