Serbian 101 Favorite Stories From the Bible / Serbian Language Edition Children's Bible / by Ura Miller and Deborah Hoerner / Full Color Beautiful Print
Product Details:
- Hardcover: 214 pages
- Publisher: Christian Aid Ministries (1999)
- Language: Serbian
Overview (English):
"101 Favorite Stories From the Bible" is a beautifully illustrated children’s Bible in Serbian, designed to engage young readers with 101 of the most beloved biblical stories. Written by Ura Miller and Deborah Hoerner, this book presents Bible stories in a child-friendly format, perfect for introducing children to the word of God. Each story is accompanied by vibrant, full-color illustrations that bring the stories to life. With a focus on key biblical narratives, this book is ideal for both personal reading and family devotions.
Overview (Serbian):
"101 omiljenih priča iz Biblije" je prelepo ilustrovana dečja Biblija na srpskom jeziku, koja ima za cilj da angažuje mlade čitaoce kroz 101 najvoljeniju biblijsku priču. Knjiga, koju su napisali Ura Miller i Deborah Hoerner, predstavlja Biblijske priče na način koji je prilagođen deci, idealno za uvođenje najmlađih u Božiju reč. Svaka priča je praćena živopisnim, u boji ilustracijama koje oživljavaju priče. Sa fokusom na ključne biblijske narative, ova knjiga je savršena i za lično čitanje i porodične bogosluženja.
Key Features (English):
- 101 Beloved Bible Stories: Featuring 101 popular Bible stories for children.
- Vibrant Full-Color Illustrations: Beautiful, colorful pictures enhance the storytelling.
- Ideal for Children: Written in a child-friendly language that is easy to understand.
- Perfect for Family Reading: Great for both individual reading and family devotion time.
- Serbian Language Edition: Specially designed for Serbian-speaking children.
Key Features (Serbian):
- 101 omiljenih biblijskih priča: Sadrži 101 popularnu biblijsku priču za decu.
- Živopisne ilustracije u boji: Prelepe, šarene slike koje poboljšavaju naraciju priče.
- Idealno za decu: Pisano na jeziku prilagođenom deci, lako razumljivom.
- Savršeno za porodično čitanje: Idealno za lično čitanje i porodične bogosluženja.
- Srpsko izdanje: Specijalno dizajnirano za decu koja govore srpski jezik.
Interesting Facts (English):
- This book brings together 101 key Bible stories, carefully selected to engage and teach children about the love and teachings of God.
- It features an accessible format and simple, clear language ideal for young readers aged 3 and up.
- The vibrant illustrations and engaging stories make learning about the Bible a fun and exciting adventure.
Interesting Facts (Serbian):
- Ova knjiga okuplja 101 ključnu biblijsku priču, pažljivo odabranu kako bi angažovala decu i učila ih o ljubavi i učenjima Boga.
- Sadrži pristupačan format i jednostavan, jasan jezik, idealan za mlade čitaoce od 3 godine pa nadalje.
- Živopisne ilustracije i uzbudljive priče čine učenje o Bibliji zabavnim i uzbudljivim avanturama.
Hashtags: #SerbianBible #ChildrensBible #101BibleStories #BibleStoriesForKids #SerbianBibleForChildren #ChristianBooks #KidsBible #BibleWithIllustrations #BibleForYoungReaders #BibleStoriesInSerbian