首尔 - Seoul / 韩国 - Around the world-South Korea / 韩国首都 / 环游世界 / DVD Video
UPC 9787884204731
Made in China
Audio: Chinese and English
Subtitle: Chinese and English
韩国首都首尔,是韩国政治、经济、文化教育中心,这座现代与古 老兼并的大都市,市中心的摩天大楼鳞次栉比,一派现代化都市景象: 缓缓流动的汉江穿过城市中间,犹如一条玉带,尽情奔流:旧日王宫依 然保留着当年富丽堂皇的景象,夹杂于高楼广厦间的传统韩式瓦屋古色 古香。在这里,既有景福宫等朝鲜时代的古宫,也有最尖端的综合文化 设施。1988年夏季奥林匹克运动会和2002年世界杯足球赛的成功举办 也令首尔为全世界所熟知。
Seoul is the capital and the largest city of South Korea. It's a lead- ing business, financial, technology and cultural centre. The modern and old metropolis boasts rows of high-rise skyscrapers and flowing Han River which looks like a jade belt runs across the middle part of the city. The old traditional magnificent palace is still set off the mod- ern buildings. People could see the old palace (i.e. Gyongbokkung, etc) and first-class cultural facilities. Possibly, its International reputation was enhanced by the successful notably the 1988 Summer Olym- pics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup.
- 立体声 Stereo AC-3
- 语言 Language: 1. 汉语 Chinese 2.英语 English
- 字幕 Subtitles: 1.中文简体 2.中文繁体 Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) 3.英文 English
- 版权所有翻录必究 COPYRIGHT RESERVED BY Shanghai Listen Audio & Video Co., Ltd
- 本片采用宽屏(16:9) 播放效果更佳