
Scarlatti, Domenico: Selected Piano Pieces (Music Score)

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Scarlatti, Domenico: Selected Piano Pieces (Music Score)

Edited with Expression Marks, Fingering, and Commentaries by Bartók Béla

Product Information

  • Title: Scarlatti, Domenico: Selected Piano Pieces
  • Editor/Annotator: Bartók Béla
  • Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
  • Publication Date: April 2018
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 48
  • Dimensions: 23 cm x 30.2 cm
  • ISBN: 9790080150832 / 979-0080150832
  • Language(s): Hungarian, English, German
  • Setting: Piano
  • Series: The Bartók Performing Editions


English Overview

This unique collection, Scarlatti, Domenico: Selected Piano Pieces, is a carefully curated anthology of piano works by the celebrated Italian Baroque composer Domenico Scarlatti. The edition is enriched by the insightful editorial work of Bartók Béla, who not only selected these exemplary pieces but also provided detailed expression marks, fingering, and performance commentaries.

Bartók Béla, a renowned pianist and educator, first introduced Scarlatti’s music in public as early as 1911 and featured these works in over 60 of his piano recitals over the ensuing two decades. His dedication to Italian and French Baroque music led him to edit numerous volumes of Baroque keyboard repertoire, with a particular aim to counterbalance the prevailing “Mendelssohn-Schumann epigones” taught in basic music education. In this single-volume collection, Bartók consolidates his two Scarlatti volumes complete with an editorial preface, practical performance recommendations, and thoughtful commentary.

He recommends these pieces for pianists with at least five years of study, offering practical suggestions on grouping individual works into charming “sonatina-like” sets for a well-rounded recital experience.

Hungarian Overview – Áttekintés

A Scarlatti, Domenico: Válogatott zongoradarabok című kiadvány egy gondosan válogatott gyűjtemény, melyben az olasz barokk zeneszerző, Domenico Scarlatti művei kelnek új életre. A kötètet Bartók Béla készítette elő, aki előadási jelekkel, ujjrenddel és részletes jegyzetekkel egészítette ki a darabokat.

Bartók Béla már 1911-ben először mutatta be nyilvánosan Scarlatti műveit, és az azt követő két évtized során több mint hatvan zongoraestjén adott elő őket. Az itáliai és francia barokk zene iránti elkötelezettségét az is bizonyítja, hogy 1920-ban szerződést írt a Rozsnyai Kiadóval barokk billentyűs művek kiadására, mellyel célja az volt, hogy az oktatásban elterjedt „Mendelssohn-Schumann-epigonok” műveit kiváltsa. A jelen egykötetes kiadványba egyesítette Bartók Béla a két korábbi Scarlatti-füzet anyagát, előadási utasításokkal és kommentárokkal kiegészítve, valamint gyakorlati javaslatokat is megfogalmazott arra vonatkozóan, hogyan lehet az egyes darabokat mutatós, "szonatina-szerű" egésszé alakítani.

Product Features

Editorial and Performance Insights

  • Expert Edition by Bartók Béla:
    • Includes an editorial preface, comprehensive performance markings, fingering suggestions, and detailed commentaries.
    • Provides historical context and practical recommendations for grouping the pieces effectively.
  • Recommended for Intermediate Pianists:
    • Targeted at pianists with at least five years of study who wish to expand their repertoire with refined Baroque pieces.
  • Curated Repertoire:
    • The selection comprises ten outstanding Scarlatti pieces, representing essential examples of his keyboard style.

Selected Pieces (Content)

  1. Andante pastorale (C major) (L. 2, K. 384)
  2. Allegretto scherzando (C major) (L. 3, K. 502)
  3. Allegro molto (C major) (L. 5, K. 406)
  4. Allegro risoluto (E minor) (L. 22, K. 198)
  5. Andante (E major) (L. 21, K. 162)
  6. Allegro (B♭ major) (L. 141, K. 332)
  7. Molto moderato (A minor) (L. 138, K. 109)
  8. Vivace (A major) (L. 135, K. 212)
  9. Moderato (E♭ major) (L. 142, K. 193)
  10. Allegro molto (B♭ major) (L. 50, K. 70)

Educational and Cultural Value

  • Promotion of Baroque Music:
    The edition showcases the expressive potential of Scarlatti’s music while highlighting Bartók Béla’s advocacy for the Baroque repertoire.
  • Bridging Musical Eras:
    By presenting Italian Baroque works through the lens of a distinguished 20th‑century musician and educator, this volume builds a bridge between centuries of musical tradition.
  • Practical Performance Guidelines:
    Detailed annotations help performers understand the stylistic nuances and technical demands of the pieces, encouraging a more authentic and expressive interpretation.


Published in April 2018 by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in Budapest, this edition of Scarlatti, Domenico: Selected Piano Pieces forms an essential component of The Bartók Performing Editions series. It stands as both a practical guide for performers and a scholarly resource that reflects the enduring legacy of both Scarlatti's Baroque genius and Bartók Béla’s interpretative insights.

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#ScarlattiPianoPieces #BartokPerformingEditions #EditioMusicaBudapest #BaroquePiano #DomenicoScarlatti #PianoRepertoire #ClassicalSheetMusic #IntermediatePiano

Hungarian (Címkék):

#ScarlattiZongoradarabok #BartókElőadásiKiadás #EditioMusicaBudapest #BarokkZongora #DomenicoScarlatti #ZongoraRepertoár #KlasszikusKotta #KözépszintűZongorázók*1pq747*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0NjQ4Nzc2MS4xMDAuMS4xNjQ2NDk0NTg4LjYw*1pq747*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0NjQ4Nzc2MS4xMDAuMS4xNjQ2NDk0NTg4LjYw*1pq747*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0NjQ4Nzc2MS4xMDAuMS4xNjQ2NDk0NTg4LjYw*1pq747*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0NjQ4Nzc2MS4xMDAuMS4xNjQ2NDk0NTg4LjYw

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