Русская балалайка – Russian Balalaika | Vinyl LP Compilation
Product Information
Catalog Number: Мелодия – СМ 02167-68
Product Type: Vinyl LP Compilation (Repress, Stereo, Export Edition)
Genre: Folk, World, & Country
Style: Russian Balalaika
Country: USSR
Released: 1988
Label: Мелодия – Всесоюзная Студия Грампластинок
Pressed By / Manufactured By: Апрелевский Завод Грампластинок / Апрелевский Ордена Ленина Завод
Other Standards: ГОСТ 5289-80
"Russian Balalaika" is a captivating compilation that brings together timeless Russian tunes and folk melodies centered on the balalaika, a symbol of Russian musical heritage. Released in 1988, this repress export edition features a stellar collection of tracks performed by acclaimed artists and orchestras. With detailed sleeve notes and credits presented in Russian, French, and English, this album is a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts of traditional folk music.
Russian (Обзор):
«Русская балалайка» — это завораживающая компиляция бессмертных русских мелодий и народных песен, в центре которых — балалайка, символ русского музыкального наследия. Выпущенная в 1988 году, эта переизданная версия для экспорта включает выдающуюся коллекцию треков, исполненных известными артистами и оркестрами. С подробными комментариями, текстами и кредитами на русском, французском и английском языках, этот альбом обязателен к приобретению для коллекционеров и поклонников традиционной народной музыки.
French (Vue d'ensemble):
«Russian Balalaika» est une compilation envoûtante qui réunit des airs russes intemporels et des mélodies folkloriques centrés sur la balalaïka, symbole du patrimoine musical russe. Sorti en 1988, cet exemplaire réédité pour l'exportation présente une collection remarquable de titres interprétés par des artistes et orchestres renommés. Avec des notes de pochette, des titres de morceaux et des crédits détaillés en russe, français et anglais, cet album est un incontournable pour les collectionneurs et les amateurs de musique folklorique traditionnelle.
Product Features
- Superior Audio: High-fidelity stereo sound that preserves the warmth and authenticity of the original recordings.
- Multilingual Packaging: Sleeve notes, song titles, and credits are provided in Russian, French, and English for international accessibility.
- Diverse Repertoire: A curated selection of traditional Russian folk tunes and original compositions that celebrate the balalaika’s unique sound.
- Collector’s Edition: A repress export edition featuring distinctive label designs (with an alternate version noted by white labels) that appeal to vinyl collectors.
Interesting Facts
- Cultural Heritage: The balalaika is a quintessential instrument in Russian folk music, and this compilation showcases its versatility—from lively dance tunes to reflective ballads.
- Collaborative Excellence: Performances include contributions from esteemed musicians such as A. Tikhonov, M. Rozhkov, M. Filin, O. Glukhov, and others, as well as accompaniment by prominent orchestras like the Ossipov Russian Folk Orchestra and the Moscow Radio Folk Instruments Orchestra.
- Historical Relevance: Manufactured by the prestigious Апрелевский Завод Грампластинок under state standards, this album stands as a testament to Soviet-era musical craftsmanship and cultural pride.
Track Listing
Side A:
A1: Солнышко = Petit Soleil = Sun – 3:06
- Balalaika: A. Tikhonov
- Performer: Ossipov Russian Folk Orchestra
- Written by: V. Gorodovskaya, N. Rizol
A2: М. Рожков / G. Миняев – Play, My Bagpipe – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: M. Rozhkov
- Guitar: G. Minyaev
- Traditional Russian Folk Song
A3: М. Рожков / G. Миняев – Polonaise (Parting With Motherland) – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: M. Rozhkov
- Guitar: G. Minyaev
- Written by: M. Oginski
A4: М. Филин – Caprice – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: M. Filin
- Performer: Moscow Radio Folk Instruments Orchestra
- Written by: V. Andreyev
A5: O. Глюхов / V. Азов – The Moon Shines – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: O. Glukhov
- Bayan: V. Azov
- Traditional Russian Folk Song
A6: O. Глюхов / V. Азов – Pretty Swan-Lake Maiden – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: O. Glukhov
- Bayan: V. Azov
- *Traditional Russian Folk Song
A7: A. Шалов и L. Самсонов-Роговицкий – Siberian Polka – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: A. Shalov, L. Samsonov-Rogovitsky
- Performer: Andreyev Russian Folk Orchestra
- Written by: Y. Shchyokotov
Side B:
B1: B. Феоктистов – Yaroslavl Quadrile – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: B. Feoktistov
- Written by: Y. Zaritsky
B2: B. Феоктистов – My Porch – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: B. Feoktistov
- *Traditional Russian Folk Song
B3: M. Рожков / G. Миняев – Mazurka No. 2 – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: M. Rozhkov
- Guitar: G. Minyaev
- Written by: H. Wieniawski
B4: N. Вязмин – Russian Dance – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: N. Vyazmin
- Performer: Moscow Radio Folk Instruments Orchestra
- Written by: O. Zvonarev
B5: N. Вязмин – Polka-Quadrille – (Duration not specified)
- Balalaika: N. Vyazmin
- Performer: Moscow Radio Folk Instruments Orchestra
- Written by: N. Vyazmin
B6: M. Филин – Kamarinskaya – (Duration not specified)
- Performer: Moscow Radio Folk Instruments Orchestra
- *Traditional Russian Folk Song
Pressed and manufactured by Апрелевский Завод Грампластинок (Апрелевский Ордена Ленина Завод).
- Matrix / Runout:
- Side A (Stamped): 33CM02167/1-5
- Side B (Stamped): 33CM02168/4-5
#RussianBalalaika #SovietFolkCompilation #MelodiyaLP #USSRFolkMusic #BalalaikaTunes #VintageSovietVinyl #WorldFolkMusic #ClassicFolkLP
Russian (Хештеги):
#РусскаяБалалайка #НароднаяМузыка #СоветскийВинил #Мелодия #Балалайка #СССРНароднаяМузыка #КлассическийАльбом #Фольклор
French (Hashtags):
#BalalaïkaRusse #MusiqueFolk #VinyllSoviétique #Melodiya #ChansonsFolkloriques #CompilationFolk #USSRMusique #AlbumClassique