Robert A. Laidlaw- The Reason Why / Uzbek Language Edition - 1985 Print
Product Details:
- Title: The Reason Why
- Author: Robert A. Laidlaw
- Format: Paperback
- Edition: 1985
- Publisher: Institute for Bible Translation
- Language: Uzbek
- Pages: 62
Product Features
- Comprehensive exploration of fundamental questions about life, God, and faith, tailored for Uzbek-speaking readers.
- 1985 print of a timeless classic, offering a businessman's explanation of the gospel to his employees.
- Over 16 million copies published in more than 30 languages, reflecting its global impact and effectiveness.
- Published by the Institute for Bible Translation, ensuring quality and accessibility.
"Robert A. Laidlaw - The Reason Why" is the Uzbek language edition of a classic Christian text that addresses profound questions about life, existence, and faith. Originally titled "Is Faith Reasonable?", this book has provided answers and insights to millions around the world. Written by a businessman for his employees, it explains the gospel in a relatable and understandable way. This 1985 print, published by the Institute for Bible Translation, is a valuable resource for Uzbek-speaking Christians seeking to deepen their understanding of faith.
Interesting Facts
- Global Impact: Over 16 million copies of "The Reason Why" have been published in more than 30 languages, showcasing its universal appeal and effectiveness.
- Publisher: The Institute for Bible Translation is dedicated to translating and distributing biblical texts, ensuring high-quality and faithful translations.
- Christian Outreach: This book is an excellent tool for evangelism and outreach, helping to spread the Christian message in a clear and engaging manner.
Background Information
- Author: Robert A. Laidlaw was a prominent businessman who sought to explain the gospel to his employees, leading to the creation of this influential text.
- Content: The book addresses key questions about the purpose of life, the existence of God, and how individuals fit into God's plan, making it a thought-provoking read for seekers and believers alike.
Institute for Bible Translation
#TheReasonWhy #RobertALaidlaw #UzbekChristianity #BibleTranslation #ChristianLiterature #GospelExplanation #ChristianOutreach #InstituteForBibleTranslation
Uzbek Translation
"Robert A. Laidlaw - The Reason Why" - bu hayot, mavjudlik va imon haqida chuqur savollarga javob beruvchi klassik nasroniy matnning oʻzbekcha nashri. Dastlab "Is Faith Reasonable?" deb nomlangan bu kitob butun dunyo boʻylab millionlab odamlarga javoblar va tushunchalar berdi. Bir biznesmen tomonidan oʻz xodimlari uchun yozilgan bu kitob, Xushxabarni tushunarli va oson shaklda tushuntiradi. 1985 yilda Institute for Bible Translation tomonidan nashr etilgan ushbu kitob, oʻzbek tilida soʻzlashuvchi nasroniylar uchun muhim manba hisoblanadi.
Qiziqarli Faktlar
- Global Ta'sir: "The Reason Why" kitobining 16 milliondan ortiq nashri 30 dan ortiq tilda chop etilgan bo'lib, uning universal jozibasi va samaradorligini ko'rsatadi.
- Nashriyotchi: Institute for Bible Translation, Injil matnlarini tarjima qilish va tarqatishga bag'ishlangan, yuqori sifatli va sodiq tarjimalarni ta'minlaydi.
- Nasroniy Targ'iboti: Bu kitob evangeliya va targ'ibot uchun ajoyib vosita bo'lib, nasroniy xabarini aniq va qiziqarli tarzda tarqatishga yordam beradi.
Asosiy Ma'lumotlar
- Muallif: Robert A. Laidlaw taniqli biznesmen bo'lib, o'z xodimlariga xushxabarni tushuntirishni maqsad qilgan va shu sababli ushbu ta'sirchan matnni yaratgan.
- Mazmun: Kitob hayotning maqsadi, Xudoning mavjudligi va insonlarning Xudoning rejasidagi o'rni haqida asosiy savollarga javob beradi, bu esa izlovchilar va imonlilar uchun fikr uyg'otadigan o'qish bo'ladi.
#TheReasonWhy #RobertALaidlaw #OʻzbekXristianligi #BibleTranslation #XristianAdabiyoti #XushxabarIzohi #NasroniyTarg'iboti #BibleTranslationInstitute