Rimski Misal - Missale Romanum - Interpretatio Croatica
ISBN: 9789531105545 / 978-9531105545
Format: Hardcover
Publication Year: 2018
Pages: 976 + 27 (booklet)
Publisher: Kršćanska Sadašnjost
Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
The "Rimski Misal" is the Croatian-language Roman Catholic Missal, specifically designed for liturgical use during Mass. This third amended edition includes a new translation of the Order of Mass and an appendix to the Roman Missal, providing a comprehensive resource for the liturgical life of the Catholic Church in Croatia.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Publication Year: 2018
- Pages: 976 + 27 (booklet)
- Publisher: Kršćanska Sadašnjost
- Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
Interesting Facts
This edition of the Rimski Misal has been thoroughly revised and updated according to the second typical edition (dotisak), ensuring that it aligns with the current liturgical practices and guidelines of the Catholic Church. The inclusion of the additional booklet enhances the usability of the Missal, making it an essential tool for priests and liturgical ministers during Mass.
The Rimski Misal serves to facilitate worship and deepen the understanding of the Mass among the faithful, providing clear and accessible texts for the liturgy.
Published by Kršćanska Sadašnjost, this missal is a vital resource for Catholic worship in Croatia, reflecting the rich spiritual heritage and liturgical tradition of the Church.
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#RimskiMisal #RomanMissal #CroatianMissal #CatholicLiturgicalTexts #OrderOfMass #KršćanskaSadašnjost #LiturgicalResources #ChristianWorship #CroatianLanguage #MassInCroatian
Hrvatski Pregled
Komplet sadrži novi prijevod Reda mise za liturgijsku uporabu te Dodatak Rimskom misalu.
Zanimljive Činjenice
Izdanje: III. izd. dopunjeno i ponovljeno prema drugom tipskom izdanju (dotisak), Zagreb. Ova verzija Rimski Misala temeljito je revidirana i ažurirana kako bi osigurala usklađenost s trenutnim liturgijskim praksama i smjernicama Katoličke Crkve.
Hála Hálózati Hashtagek
#RimskiMisal #KatoličkaMisa #HrvatskiMisal #LiturgijskiTekstovi #RedMise #KršćanskaSadašnjost #LiturgijskiResursi #KršćanskoBogoštovlje #HrvatskiJezik #MisaNaHrvatskom