Richard Strauss: Alpine Symphony - Saito Kinen Orchestra, Daniel Harding / Decca Audio CD 2014 / 478 644
UPC 028947864226
Richard Georg Strauss (German: [ˈʁɪçaʁt ˈʃtʁaʊs]; 11 June 1864 – 8 September 1949) was a German composer, conductor, pianist, and violinist. Considered a leading composer of the late Romantic and early modern eras, he has been described as a successor of Richard Wagner and Franz Liszt. Along with Gustav Mahler, he represents the late flowering of German Romanticism, in which pioneering subtleties of orchestration are combined with an advanced harmonic style.
Label: |
Decca – 478 644 |
Format: |
Country: |
Europe |
2014 |
Genre: |
Classical |
Style: |
Romantic |
Eine Alpensinfonie, Op.64 - An Alpine Symphony - Une Symphonie Alpestre |
(51:59) |
1 |
Nacht - Night - Nuit |
3:10 |
2 |
Sonnenaufgang - Sunrise - Lever Du Soleil |
1:24 |
3 |
Der Anstieg - The Ascent - L'Ascension |
2:21 |
4 |
Eintritt In Den Wald - Entry Into The Wood - Entrée Dans Le Bois |
5:17 |
5 |
Wanderung Neben Dem Bache - Wanderin By The Stream - Promenade Le Long Du Ruisseau |
0:49 |
6 |
Am Wasserfall - At The Waterfall - Près Des Chutes |
0:15 |
7 |
Erscheinung - Apparition - L'Apparition |
0:49 |
8 |
Auf Blumigen Wiesen - On The Flowering Meadows - Sur Les Prairies En Fleurs |
0:53 |
9 |
Auf Der Alm - On Alpine Pasture - Sur Les Pâturges |
2:20 |
10 |
Durch Dickicht Und Gestrüpp Auf Irrwegen - Lost In Thicket And Undergrouth - Egarés Parmi Halliers Et Sous-Bois |
1:30 |
11 |
Auf Dem Gletscher - On The Glacier - Sur Le Glacier |
1:16 |
12 |
Gefahrvolle Augenblicke - Dangerous Moments - Moments Périlleux |
1:29 |
13 |
Auf Dem Gipfel - On The Summit - Au Sommet |
4:49 |
15 |
Nebel Steigen Auf - Mists Rise - Le Brouillard Se Lève |
0:19 |
16 |
Die Sonne Verdüstert Sich Allmählich - The Sun Is Gradually Obscured - Le Soleil Se Voile Peu À Peu |
0:53 |
17 |
Elegie - Elegy - Élégie |
2:13 |
18 |
Stille Vor Dem Sturm - Calm Before The Storm - Calme Avant L'Orage |
2:47 |
19 |
Gewitter Und Strum, Abstieg - Thunder And Tempest, Descent - Tonnerre Et Orage, Descente |
3:47 |
20 |
Sonnenuntergang - Sunset - Coucher Du Soleil |
3:00 |
21 |
Ausklang - Waning Tones - Derniers Reflets |
6:40 |
22 |
Nacht - Night - Nuit |
2:20 |
- Art Direction – WLP Ltd
- Booklet Editor – WLP Ltd
- Conductor – Daniel Harding
- Coordinator [Recording Coordination] – Tadaatsu Atarashi
- Edited By [Recording Editor] – Dominic Fyfe
- Engineer [Balance Engineer] – Jonathan Stokes
- Engineer [Recording Engineer] – Ryu Kawashima, Yujiro Saito, Yusuke Naito
- Horn – Radek Baborák
- Liner Notes – Hans Christoph Worbs, Michael Kennedy (4)
- Liner Notes [Translation] – Pierre Massé
- Oboe – Philippe Tondre
- Orchestra – Saito Kinen Orchestra
- Photography By [Back Inlay, Booklet Back, P.13 Photos] – Michiharu Okubo
- Photography By [Cover] – Lukas Furlan
- Producer [Recording Producer] – Dominic Fyfe
- Trumpet – Gabór Tarkövi