Répertoire for Music Schools – Piano 3 | Pedagogical Sheet Music for Piano
Product Information
- Catalog Number: 14209
- ISMN: 9790080142097 / 979-0080142097
- Product Type: Pedagogical Sheet Music for Piano
- Setting: Piano
- Series: Répertoire for Music Schools
- Genre: Pedagogical Performance Pieces
- Language: Hungarian, English, German, French
- Length: 72 pages
- Format: Bach (23 x 30.2 cm)
- Publication Date: September 2000
- Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Répertoire for Music Schools – Piano 3 is part of a series aimed at enriching the music school curriculum. This volume has a dual purpose: to present the most well-known pieces that form the backbone of music education, and to introduce lesser-known works that expand the basic repertoire. Tailored for students in grades 5–6 and further education classes, this 72-page collection spans a broad range of musical eras—from early Baroque to Romantic—and includes works by composers such as d'Andrieu, Daquin, Händel, Scarlatti, Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Grieg, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, as well as contemporary Hungarian composers like Kocsár Miklós, Soproni József, and Papp Lajos.
Hungarian Translation - Áttekintés
A Répertoire zeneiskolásoknak – Zongora 3 című kötet kettős céllal készült: egyrészt a zeneiskolai tananyag gerincét képező legismertebb darabokat kívánta egy-egy kötetbe gyűjteni, másrészt olyan kevésbé ismert műveket is bemutatni, melyekkel a tanárok és a növendékek kibővíthetik az alaprepertoárt. A kötet 72 oldal terjedelemmel készült, és a barokk, klasszikus, romantikus, valamint a kortárs magyar zeneirodalom darabjait tartalmazza, elsősorban az 5–6. osztályos és a továbbképző osztályok számára.
Product Features
- Dual Purpose:
- Core Curriculum: Gathers the essential pieces that form the foundation of the music school curriculum.
- Extended Repertoire: Introduces additional works that allow teachers and students to expand their musical horizons.
- Repertoire Diversity:
- Encompasses a wide historical range—from Baroque works to Romantic melodies.
- Features pieces by international masters as well as selections by contemporary Hungarian composers.
- Multilingual Presentation:
- Editorial notes and texts are provided in Hungarian, English, German, and French, making the volume accessible to a diverse audience.
- Educational Value:
- Structured to align with the difficulty levels prescribed in Hungarian music school curricula for grades 5–6 and beyond.
- Offers both technical challenges and expressive opportunities for developing pianists.
- d'Andrieu, Jean François: The pipes
- Daquin, Louis-Claude: The Cuckoo
- Händel, Georg Friedrich: Courante
- Händel, Georg Friedrich: Sarabande
- Händel, Georg Friedrich: Sonatina
- Scarlatti, Domenico: Sonata K 415
- Scarlatti, Domenico: Sonata K 95
- Bach, Johann Sebastian: Praeludium BWV 938
- Bach, Johann Sebastian: Praeludium BWV 924
- Bach, Johann Sebastian: Praeludium BWV 937
- Grazioli, Giovanni Battista: Presto
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Minuet, KV 94
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Rondo, KV 15d
- Haydn, Franz Joseph: Sonata, Hob. XVI:8
- Hummel, Johann Nepomuk: Rondo
- Beethoven, Ludwig van: Bagatell, Op. 119, No. 1
- Beethoven, Ludwig van: Six Easy Variations on a Swiss Song, WoO 64
- Kuhlau, Friedrich: Sonatina, Op. 55, No. 3
- Schubert, Franz: Minuet, D 41/21
- Schubert, Franz: Three Ecossaises, D 529 (Nos. 5, 3, 8)
- Schubert, Franz: Two Ländler, D 681, No. 5 - D 679, No. 2
- Schubert, Franz: Three Waltzes, D 365 (Nos. 11, 12, 3)
- Schumann, Robert: Knight Rupert, Op. 68, No. 12
- Schumann, Robert: Without Title, Op. 68, No. 26
- Schumann, Robert: A Little Romance, Op. 68, No. 19
- Chopin, Frédéric: Waltz, B 150
- Chopin, Frédéric: Polonaise, B 1
- Grieg, Edvard: Popular Melody, Op. 12, No. 5
- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: Children's Piece, Op. 72, No. 2
- Kocsár Miklós: Two Small Piano Pieces
- Soproni József: Harmonies
- Soproni József: Snapping Threads
- Papp Lajos: Burlesca I (The Little Barrel)
- Papp Lajos: Burlesca II (The Flea)
Hungarian Translation - Tartalomjegyzék
- d'Andrieu, Jean François: Síposok
- Daquin, Louis-Claude: A kakukk
- Händel, Georg Friedrich: Courante
- Händel, Georg Friedrich: Sarabande
- Händel, Georg Friedrich: Szonatina
- Scarlatti, Domenico: Szonáta K 415
- Scarlatti, Domenico: Szonáta K 95
- Bach, Johann Sebastian: Praeludium BWV 938
- Bach, Johann Sebastian: Praeludium BWV 924
- Bach, Johann Sebastian: Praeludium BWV 937
- Grazioli, Giovanni Battista: Presto
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Menüett, KV 94
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Rondo, KV 15d
- Haydn, Franz Joseph: Szonáta, Hob. XVI:8
- Hummel, Johann Nepomuk: Rondo
- Beethoven, Ludwig van: Bagatell, Op. 119, No. 1
- Beethoven, Ludwig van: Hat écossaise, WoO 64
- Kuhlau, Friedrich: Szonatina, Op. 55, No. 3
- Schubert, Franz: Menüett, D 41/21
- Schubert, Franz: Három écossaise, D 529 (Nos. 5, 3, 8)
- Schubert, Franz: Két ländler, D 681, No. 5 - D 679, No. 2
- Schubert, Franz: Három keringő, D 365 (Nos. 11, 12, 3)
- Schumann, Robert: Krampusz, Op. 68, No. 12
- Schumann, Robert: Cím nélkül, Op. 68, No. 26
- Schumann, Robert: Kis románc, Op. 68, No. 19
- Chopin, Frédéric: Keringő, B 150
- Chopin, Frédéric: Polonaise, B 1
- Grieg, Edvard: Népdal, Op. 12, No. 5
- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: Gyermekdarab, Op. 72, No. 2
- Kocsár Miklós: Két kis zongoradarab
- Soproni József: Harmóniák
- Soproni József: Szakadozó szálak
- Papp Lajos: Burlesca I (Kicsiny a hordócska)
- Papp Lajos: Burlesca II (Egy nagyorrú bóha)
Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in September 2000. All rights reserved under catalog number 14209 and ISMN 9790080142097 / 979-0080142097.
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Hungarian (Cimkék):
#RépertoireZeneiskolásoknak #Zongora3 #PedagógiaiZene #ZeneiskolaiRepertoár #EditioMusicaBudapest #KlasszikusZongora #KezdőZongora