Put u Život / Way of Life: Prayer and Rites, 9th Amended Edition
UPC: 9789530039261 / 978-9530039261
"Put u Život" (Way of Life) is a comprehensive Croatian language prayer book that serves as a faithful companion for Christians on their spiritual journey. This 9th amended edition, published by "Marija" in 2009, features 478 pages of prayers, rites, and guidance designed to support believers in their daily lives and deepen their connection to God.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Length: 478 pages
- Dimensions: Standard hardcover size
- Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
- ISBN: 9789530039261 / 978-9530039261
- ISBN-10: 9530039263
- Publisher: "Marija", Split
- Year of Publication: 2009
Interesting Facts
- Author: Petar Lubina is known for his contributions to Croatian Christian literature, emphasizing the importance of prayer in daily life.
- Content Structure: The prayer book is organized into several sections, including:Cultural Significance: This prayer book holds an important place in the spiritual lives of Croatian Catholics, providing guidance and comfort through traditional rites and prayers.
- Christian Teachings
- Daily Prayers with the Lord
- Sunday Worship
- Through the Church Year
- Approaching God through Sacraments
- Prayers for the Deceased
- Blessings
- Church Songs
"Marija", Split has a rich history of publishing Christian literature that nurtures the faith of Croatian believers. Their works focus on deepening spiritual understanding and providing resources for prayer.
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#CroatianPrayerBook #WayOfLife #ChristianLiterature #Molitvenik #SpiritualJourney #PetarLubina #PrayerAndRites #MarijaPublisher #FaithfulCompanion
Croatian Translation:
"Molitvenik 'Put u Život' je sveobuhvatan hrvatski molitvenik koji služi kao vjeran suputnik kršćanima na njihovom duhovnom putu. Ovo deveto dopunjeno izdanje, objavljeno od strane "Marija" 2009. godine, sadrži 478 stranica molitava, obreda i smjernica dizajniranih da podrže vjernike u njihovim svakodnevnim životima i prodube njihovu povezanost s Bogom.
Zanimljive Činjenice
- Autor: Petar Lubina poznat je po svojim doprinosima hrvatskoj kršćanskoj književnosti, naglašavajući važnost molitve u svakodnevnom životu.
- Struktura Sadržaja: Molitvenik je organiziran u nekoliko sekcija, uključujući:Kulturni Značaj: Ovaj molitvenik zauzima važno mjesto u duhovnim životima hrvatskih katolika, pružajući vodstvo i utjehu kroz tradicionalne obrede i molitve.
- Kršćanski Nauci
- Svakodnevne Molitve s Gospodinom
- Nedjeljno Bogoslužje
- Kroz Crkvenu Godinu
- K Bogu po Sakramentima
- Molitve za Pokojne
- Blagoslovi
- Crkvene Pjesme
#HrvatskiMolitvenik #PutUŽivot #KršćanskaKnjiževnost #Molitvenik #DuhovniPut #PetarLubina #MolitveIObredi #MarijaIzdavač #VjeranSuputnik