Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol (Rendőrakadémia 4. - Civil osztag) | DVD
Product Information
UPC: 5996514004519
Made in: Hungary
Region: 2 PAL DVD
Audio: English mono, Hungarian mono
Subtitles: Hungarian
Total Runtime: 84 minutes
Director: Jim Drake
Starring: Steve Guttenberg, Bubba Smith, Michael Winslow, David Graf
"Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol" is a 1987 American comedy film and the fourth installment in the beloved "Police Academy" series. Released on April 3, 1987, it follows the antics of Commandant Eric Lassard as he introduces a new initiative aimed at bolstering the police force's manpower by recruiting civilian volunteers to assist officers in a program called "Citizens On Patrol" (COP).
The film features fan-favorite characters such as Carey Mahoney, Moses Hightower, Larvell Jones, and Eugene Tackleberry, who are tasked with training a group of civilians, including the large Tommy "House" Conklin, enthusiastic senior citizen Lois Feldman, and two skateboarding delinquents, Kyle and Arnie. The comedic situations arise as the unlikely team navigates their way through various hijinks while trying to contribute positively to their community.
A "Rendőrakadémia 4. - Civil osztag" egy 1987-es amerikai vígjátékfilm, amely a népszerű "Rendőrakadémia" sorozat negyedik része. Április 3-án jelent meg, és Eric Lassard parancsnok kalandjait követi, aki új kezdeményezést vezet be a rendőrség megerősítésére, polgári önkéntesek toborzásával, akik a "Civil osztag" (COP) program keretében segítik a rendőröket.
A filmben olyan kedvelt karakterek szerepelnek, mint Carey Mahoney, Moses Hightower, Larvell Jones és Eugene Tackleberry, akiknek az a feladatuk, hogy kiképezzék a civileket, köztük a hatalmas Tommy "House" Conklint, a lelkes nyugdíjast, Lois Feldmant, és két gördeszkás bűnözőt, Kyle-t és Arnie-t. A vígjátékos helyzetek abból adódnak, hogy a valószínűtlen csapat különböző kalandokon keresztül próbálja pozitívan hozzájárulni a közösséghez.
Product Features
- Format: DVD
- Region: 2 PAL
- Total Runtime: 84 minutes
- Audio Languages: English mono, Hungarian mono
- Subtitles: Hungarian
- Suitable For: All ages; perfect for fans of comedy and the "Police Academy" franchise.
- Steve Guttenberg as Sgt. Carey Mahoney
- Bubba Smith as Sgt. Moses Hightower
- Michael Winslow as Sgt. Larvell Jones
- David Graf as Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry
- Tim Kazurinsky as Officer Sweetchuck
- Leslie Easterbrook as Lt. Debbie Callahan
- Marion Ramsey as Sgt. Laverne Hooks
- Brian Tochi as Officer Tomoko "Elvis" Nogata
- Lance Kinsey as Lt. Proctor
- G.W. Bailey as Capt. Thaddeus Harris
- George Gaynes as Cmndt. Eric Lassard
- George R. Robertson as Commissioner Henry Hurst
- Bobcat Goldthwait as Officer Zed
- Colleen Camp as Sgt./Lt. Kathleen Kirkland-Tackleberry
- Derek McGrath as Butterworth
- Scott Thomson as Sgt. Chad Copeland
- Billie Bird as Mrs. Lois Feldman
- David Spade as Kyle Rumford
- Brian Backer as Arnie Lewis
- Tab Thacker as Tommy "House" Conklin
- Sharon Stone as Claire Mattson
- Cameo appearances by skateboarders Steve Caballero, Chris Miller, Tommy Guerrero, Lance Mountain, Mike McGill, and Tony Hawk.
Production Details
- Produced by: Paul Maslansky, Donald West
- Written by: Gene Quintano
- Based on Characters by: Neal Israel, Pat Proft
- Music by: Robert Folk
- Cinematography: Robert Saad
- Edited by: David Rawlins
- Distributed by: Warner Bros. Pictures
- Release Date: April 3, 1987
- Country: United States
- Language: English
Interesting Facts | Érdekes Tények
- Franchise Popularity: The "Police Academy" series gained a massive following for its slapstick humor and quirky characters, making it a staple of 1980s comedy.
- Cameo Appearances: The film features several famous skateboarders in cameo roles, adding a fun element for skating fans.
- Cultural Impact: The series has had a lasting influence on comedy films, inspiring many similar ensemble cast comedies.
- Sorozat Népszerűsége: A "Rendőrakadémia" sorozat hatalmas népszerűségnek örvendett a slapstick humorával és különc karaktereivel, így a 80-as évek vígjátékainak alapkövévé vált.
- Cameo Szereplések: A filmben több híres gördeszkás is vendégszerepel, ezzel szórakoztató elemet adva a gördeszkás rajongóknak.
- Kulturális Hatás: A sorozat tartós hatással volt a vígjátékfilmekre, és sok hasonló ensemble cast vígjátékot inspirált.
Published by Hungarian distributors. All rights reserved under UPC 5996514004519.
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#PoliceAcademy4 #CitizensOnPatrol #Rendőrakadémia #SteveGuttenberg #ComedyFilm #80sComedy
Hungarian (Címkék):
#Rendőrakadémia4 #CivilOsztag #SteveGuttenberg #VígjátékFilm #80-asÉvekVígjátéka