Pilot Guide Study Bible
King James Version KJV
Large Print, Black Bonded Leather
High Quality Print
Words of Christ in RED
2010 Print
1578 PAGES
94 Pages of Pilot Guides on various topics
Table of Contents to Guide you in all subjects
Concordance for finding key verses
Bonded Leather
Eight Pages of Color Maps
Double Column Format
Ribbon Marker
Gilded Page Edges
Words of Christ in Red
Type Size Twelve Point
Space Provided for your Notes
The Pilot Guide Study Bible is helpful in the following:
SHARING CHRIST: Has several salvation guides to help you share the Gospel with others. There is space to writer your own thoughts.
SPEAKING: It is ideal for those who are called on to speak at the last minute or have a little time to prepare. The guide is topically based; you simply pick a topic on which you want to speak and follow the guide.
PERSONAL STUDY: It helps you "stay focused" on what you read and study on various topics found in the table of contents. There is room to write your own ideas and prayer request God lays on your heart.
TEACHING SUNDAY SCHOOL: The Pilot Guide Study Bible table of contents is the place to start whether you are speaking in Sunday School or sharing a devotional You pick the subject and the Pilot Guide will lead you through God's Word.
LOCATION: The Guides are strategically located throughout the Bible text (not hidden in the back of the your Bible). This makes the use of the Guides very easy and convenient for all occatsions.