Piibel Vana Ja Uus Testament
Piibel Vana Ja Uus Testament - The Bible in Estonian RO63 B.F.B.S. 1968 Print
Product Details
- Title: Piibel Vana Ja Uus Testament (The Bible, Old and New Testaments)
- Language: Estonian
- Publisher: The British and Foreign Bible Society, London
- Publication Year: 1968
- ISBN-10: 0564001589
- ISBN-13: 978-0564001583
- Format: Hardcover
- Page Count: 1,214
- Binding: Black Hardcover with Red Edges
- Print Run: 5,000 copies
This comprehensive Estonian-language Bible features the complete Old and New Testaments, published in 1968 by the British and Foreign Bible Society. The text is based on the RO63 translation, a widely respected Estonian version of the Scriptures.
The elegant black hardcover with red page edges gives this Bible a classic and sophisticated appearance, making it a beautiful addition to any personal or church library. With a total of 1,214 pages, this edition provides Estonian-speaking readers with full access to the canonical books of the Bible.
The 1968 printing of this Estonian Bible represents an important milestone in the dissemination of the Scriptures in the Estonian language. This publication helped to ensure the continued availability and accessibility of the Bible for Estonian-speaking Christian communities during a significant period in the country's history.
See põhjalik eestikeelne piibel sisaldab 1968. aastal Briti ja Välismaa Piibliseltsi välja antud Vana ja Uus Testamenti. Tekst põhineb RO63 tõlkel, laialdaselt tunnustatud Pühakirja eestikeelsel versioonil.
Elegantne punaste lehtede servadega must kõva köide annab sellele Piiblile klassikalise ja peene välimuse, muutes selle kauniks täienduseks igale isiklikule või kiriku raamatukogule. Kokku 1214 leheküljega väljaanne annab eestikeelsele lugejale täieliku juurdepääsu Piibli kanoonilistele raamatutele.
Selle eestikeelse piibli trükkimine 1968. aastal on oluline verstapost Pühakirja eestikeelses levitamises. See väljaanne aitas tagada Piibli jätkuva kättesaadavuse ja kättesaadavuse eestikeelsetele kristlikele kogukondadele riigi ajaloo märkimisväärsel perioodil.
Product Specifications
- Language: Estonian
- Binding: Black Hardcover with Red Edges
- Page Count: 1,214
- Publisher: The British and Foreign Bible Society, London
- Publication Year: 1968
- Print Run: 5,000 copies
Interesting Facts
- The RO63 translation used in this edition is a widely respected and commonly used Estonian version of the Bible.
- This 1968 printing represents an important historical milestone in the publication of the Estonian Scriptures.
- The elegant black hardcover with red page edges gives this Bible a classic and sophisticated appearance.