Pentateuch in Chuvash Language
The Pentateuch in Chuvash language is a significant translation that includes the first five books of the Bible, featuring Ya Yakovlev's translation of Genesis 1:1 to Numbers 18:5. This hardcover edition, published in 1988, is enriched with a historical introduction by Boris Arapovic, providing valuable context to the text. This edition serves as an important resource for Chuvash-speaking communities seeking a deeper understanding of the Scriptures.
Тӑва: Пентатех - чӳкӗн тӗлӗн Библияның бӗрӗн пӗрӗн, Я Яковлев тәржемәлӗн, Генезис 1:1 дӗн Саннар 18:5 кӗнӗлчӗн. Ул 1988 сӗнтӗрнӗн пӗрӗн һардикаплӗн, Борис Арапович кӗнӗлчӗн мӗнӗн кӗнӗлчӗн мӗнӗн.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 304
- Publisher: Institute for Bible Translation
- Language: Chuvash
- ISBN-10: 9188394476
- ISBN-13: 978-9188394477
Продукт Рӗхӗлӗнӗ:
- Формат: Һардикаплӗн
- Сӗрӗн: 304
- Нӗкӗнчӗ: Библия Тӗлӗвӗн Институти
- Тӑлӗн: Чӳкӗн
- ISBN-10: 9188394476
- ISBN-13: 978-9188394477
Interesting Facts
- This edition is part of a broader effort to provide biblical texts in minority languages, helping to preserve the linguistic heritage of the Chuvash people.
- The historical introduction by Boris Arapovic offers insights into the translation process and the cultural significance of the Pentateuch within the Chuvash community.
- Yakovlev's translation is notable for its clarity and faithfulness to the original texts, making it a valuable resource for study and worship.
- Бу пӗрӗн Библия текстларын азчылар тӗлӗн мӗнӗн, чӳкӗнчӗн христиан мӗнӗн чӳкӗн.
- Борис Арапович кӗнӗлчӗн тарихын хи́мна, пентатех христианлы хыранмӗш.
- Яковлев тәржемәлӗ чӳкӗн текстларны хӗрӗнмӗш, ул християн пӗрӗн пуртса.
This edition is ideal for personal study, group discussions, and educational purposes within the Chuvash-speaking Christian community.
Куллану: Бу пӗрӗн пӗрӗн христиан хыранмӗш, йӗрӗнмӗш, чӳкӗнчӗн христиан хыранмӗш.
Targeted towards the Chuvash-speaking Christian community, scholars, and anyone interested in the linguistic and cultural aspects of the Bible.
Аудитория: Ул Чӳкӗнчӗн христианлар, хисториклар, чӳкӗн тӗлӗн һәм Библия текстлары белән кызыксынучылар.
Cultural and Linguistic Significance
The Pentateuch in Chuvash serves as an important resource for maintaining the cultural identity and spiritual heritage of the Chuvash people, bridging their faith with their linguistic roots.
Мадәни һәм лингвистик әһәмияте: Пентатех чӳкӗн тӗлӗн христиан текстлары, чӳкӗн мӗнӗн.