Papers on Evangelization: The Work of an Evangelist by C.H. Mackintosh
Condition: Used - Very Good
Papers on Evangelization: The Work of an Evangelist by C.H. Mackintosh is a stirring call to action for all believers to engage in God’s harvest field with urgency and conviction. Written with passion and clarity, Mackintosh highlights the role, purpose, and methods of the evangelist, inspiring readers to cultivate a burning love for souls and a deep desire for their salvation.
This 86-page volume also includes seven insightful letters addressing frequently asked questions about evangelization, providing practical guidance and encouragement for anyone committed to this vital ministry. With eternity in view and a clear sense of urgency, Mackintosh reminds readers of the fleeting nature of time and the priceless value of immortal souls.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 86
- Publisher: Bible Truth Publishers (1980)
- Language: English
Interesting Facts
- Timeless Message: Although written decades ago, the book’s call to earnest, face-to-face evangelism remains deeply relevant in today’s world.
- Practical Guidance: Offers a detailed outline of the evangelist’s sphere, model, object, and guiding force, making it an invaluable resource for both new and seasoned workers in God’s field.
- Focus on Souls: Emphasizes the preciousness of each individual soul and the evangelist’s responsibility to grapple with their eternal destiny.
- Letters on Evangelization: The inclusion of seven letters addresses common questions and concerns, making this work both inspirational and instructive.
- Urgency and Encouragement: Mackintosh’s tone is one of both urgency and encouragement, urging believers not to stand idle but to labor faithfully in God’s grace.
Publisher: Bible Truth Publishers
Bible Truth Publishers specializes in producing biblically sound resources aimed at equipping believers for faithful Christian living and ministry.
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