Pakistan - Poverty by Choice by Sultan Barq / Hardcover / Mavra Publishers 2018
ISBN: 9789695541456 / 978-9695541456
ISBN-10: 9695541453
PAGES: 128
PUBLISHER: Mavra Publishers
About the Author:
Sultan Barq is an economist, financing and banking systems planner, engineer and development planner with education in economics, engineering, agribusiness etc. He received his B.Sc. Engineering Degree from Pakistan with distinction and M.Sc. (Engineering), from USA and economics, financial systems, agribusiness from USA, Germany, Italy and Netherlands. His research received International recognition.
English Summary:
The hard working people, geophysical characteristics and abundant natural resources provide the necessary ingredients to Pakistan and many developing countries of the third world for becoming members of the "First World Club." Yet, ever since inception most of these countries are caught in vicious routines of transitions from poverty to partial prosperity to worse poverty. The attitudes and actions of the leadership and bureaucracies have made these countries highly dependent on external assistance and aid mostly from the developed world. Through a planned strategy, the third world continues to become extension of the first world for producing raw materials and primary products. The rich industrialized nations developed their industry and economy at minimum costs. This gave them a ready made market for their products and helped in improving the employment situation for their people.