Out on a Limb 2xDVD 1987 Ég és Föld között - Találd meg önmagad / Directed by Robert Butler / Starring: Shirley Maclaine, Charles Dance, John Heard / Duplalemezes Extra változat
UPC 5999885039302
AUDIO: English 2.0, Hungarian 2.0
SUBTITLES: Hungarian
Total Runtime: 141+94 minutes (2 discs)
English Summary:
Shirley MacLaine plays herself in this TV mini-series based on her autobiographical best-seller which delves into her new age beliefs and its effects on her personal and public life.
Hungarian Summary:
Szinte mindenki azt képzeli, hogy a népszerű színésznő, Shirley MacLaine boldog. Mi oka is lehetne a boldogtalanságra? Megvan mindene, s színésznőként, íróként és előadóművészként egyaránt sikeres - mi másra is vágyhatna? Shirleynek nem is volt semmi komoly problémája, ám egy nap úgy érezte, az élete sokkal jobb is lehetne. Ez az érzés indította el ezen a furcsa, szellemi kalandokat ígérő úton. Ekkoriban viszonyt folytatott egy külföldi, nős politikussal, és érdeklődése egyre inkább a spirituális kérdések, a miszticizmus, az okkultizmus felé fordult. Azonban nemcsak szellemi kihívásra vágyott, Angliából tehát Svédországba és Hong Kongba utazott, majd Hollywoodon át eljutott egészen a perui hegyekig. A filmben két izgalmas személyiséggel találkozunk: a svéd Sture Johanssennel és a kaliforniai Kevin Ryersonnal, és elkísérhetjük a népszerű művésznőt az Andok csúcsaira, a Matchu Picchura, oda, ahol valamikor az azték főváros állhatott.
Cast / Szereplők:
Shirley MacLaine
Charles Dance
John Heard
Anne Jackson
Jerry Orbach
Out on a Limb is an autobiographical book written by American film actress and dancer Shirley MacLaine in 1983. It details MacLaine's journeys through New Age spirituality. The book follows her from southern California to various locations including New York City, Europe, and Hawaii, culminating in a life-changing trip to the Andes Mountains in Peru. Central characters include David who is, according to MacLaine, a composite character; Gerry Stamford, a married man and fictionalized Labour member of the British House of Commons, with whom MacLaine claimed she had a love affair; and real-life close friend and politician, Bella Abzug.
The book received both acclaim and criticism for its candor in dealing with such topics as reincarnation, meditation, mediumship (trance-channeling), and even unidentified flying objects. It made Shirley MacLaine the butt of many jokes, especially by late-night television comedians. Once, when David Letterman would not let up on the New Age subject, she responded by saying, "Maybe Cher was right; maybe you are an asshole!" The claim about an affair with the MP gained attention in the UK when the book was published there.
Out on a Limb was adapted for television broadcast in 1987. The five-hour ABC miniseries starred MacLaine (as herself), John Heard as David Manning, and Charles Dance as Gerry Stamford. Anne Jackson played Bella Abzug, and Jerry Orbach played Shirley's agent. MacLaine kept a diary during the filming of the miniseries. The notes were later turned into the book It's All In the Playing.
Robert Butler
Colin Higgins Stan Margulies
Shirley MacLaine Colin Higgins
Bradford May
Lalo Schifrin