Osceola – A Tale of Resistance and Conflict DVD
Product Information
- Format: DVD (Region 2, PAL)
- Run Time: 104 minutes
- Number of Discs: 1
- Studio: Mokep
- Release Year: 1972
- Rating: PG
- Language: Hungarian
- Subtitles: None
- Actors: Gojko Mitic, Horst Schulze, Jurie Darie, Karin Ugowski, Kati Bus
- Director: Konrad Petzold
Set in Florida, 1830, Osceola portrays the historic struggle of the Seminole tribe—the only eastern Native American people who resisted forced relocation to reservations. Having taken refuge in Florida, the Seminoles embrace a humble, horticultural way of life. However, white plantation owners, furious over the growing number of black slaves seeking refuge with the Seminoles, conspire to seize their land. In particular, plantation owner Raynes persuades the military to eradicate the Seminoles, while his rival Moore, a Northern sawmill owner with a Seminole wife, opposes slavery, deeming it unprofitable. As tensions escalate, Chief Osceola foresees the impending danger and strives to avert conflict, yet the inevitable war erupts in 1835.
Hungarian Translation - Overview (Áttekintés)
Florida, 1830 – Osceola a Seminole törzs történetét mutatja be, akik az egyetlen keleti amerikai őslakosok közé tartoznak, akik ellenálltak a fogságba kényszerítésnek. A floridai menedéket választva a Seminolék egyszerű kertészkedő életet élnek. Azonban a fehér ültetvényesek, akik dühösek a Seminolékhez menekülő fekete rabszolgák növekvő száma miatt, megszállni akarják földjeiket. Különösen Raynes ültetvényes meggyőzte a katonai hatóságokat, hogy tépjék le a Seminolék életét, míg riválisa, Moore, egy északi fűrészüzemben dolgozó, Seminole feleséggel rendelkező ember, a rabszolgaság ellen van, és annak gazdaságtalanságát hangoztatja. Főnök Osceola látja a közelgő veszélyt; megpróbálja elkerülni a fehérek provokálását, de végül nem tudja megakadályozni az 1835-ben kitörő háborút.
Product Features
Visual & Historical Experience
- Authentic Period Setting: Captures the raw and tumultuous era of early 19th-century Florida.
- Powerful Performances: Features a compelling cast led by Gojko Mitic and supported by a strong ensemble.
- Direction & Storytelling: Directed by Konrad Petzold, the film blends historical drama with emotional storytelling to portray the complex dynamics of resistance and conflict.
Thematic Exploration
- Cultural Clash: Explores the conflict between Native American traditions and the encroaching influence of white colonial expansion.
- Moral Dilemmas: Highlights differing perspectives on slavery and freedom, illustrated by the contrasting views of characters like Raynes and Moore.
- Historical Significance: Sheds light on a pivotal moment in American history, emphasizing the resilience of the Seminole tribe.
Interesting Facts
- Historical Insight: Osceola provides a window into the 1830s, a critical period when Native American resistance took shape in the face of overwhelming external pressures.
- Cinematic Legacy: As a film from 1972, it reflects the era's filmmaking style and historical interpretation, offering both educational and nostalgic value.
- Cultural Impact: The movie remains a significant cultural artifact, representing the enduring legacy of Native American resilience and the complex history of American expansion.
Published by Mokep. All rights reserved.
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Hungarian (Címkék):
#Osceola #ŐslakosTörténelem #SeminoleEllenállás #TörténelmiDráma #1972Film #Mokep #KlasszikusFilm #FloridaTörténelem