OPUSTARTI Faveo: Christoph Willibald Gluck – Orphée et Eurydice | DVD9 double-layer
Product Information
- Catalog Number: OA F4005 D
- UPC: 809478040057
- Product Type: DVD Video Opera Recording
- Genre: Opera – Classical French Adaptation
- Language: Sung in French (Subtitles: English)
- Format: DVD (DVD9 double-layer disc, NTSC, 4:3 picture format)
- Running Time: Approximately 108 minutes
- Production Details:
- Filming Location: Sydney Opera House, Australia
- Recording Year: 1993
- Produced for Television: In association with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- DVD Production: K & A Productions Ltd. under licence from Opus Arte (2006)
"OPUSTARTI Faveo: Christoph Willibald Gluck – Orphée et Eurydice" presents a mesmerizing adaptation of the timeless Greek legend. In this refined French version of Gluck’s classic opera, the tragic tale unfolds as Orphée descends into Hades to rescue his beloved Eurydice under divine conditions. This production, brought to life by Opera Australia at the Sydney Opera House, is celebrated for its extraordinary integration of a magnificently singing chorus and dynamic actor-dancers, creating a seamless fusion of music, movement, and drama.
French Translation – Overview (Présentation)
"OPUSTARTI Faveo : Christoph Willibald Gluck – Orphée et Eurydice" propose une adaptation envoûtante du mythe grec intemporel. Dans cette version française raffinée de l'opéra classique de Gluck, la tragédie se déploie alors qu'Orphée descend aux enfers pour sauver sa bien-aimée Eurydice, sous des conditions divines. Cette production, réalisée par Opera Australia au Sydney Opera House, est célébrée pour l'intégration extraordinaire d'un chœur aux voix magnifiques et d'acteurs-danseurs dynamiques, créant ainsi une fusion harmonieuse de musique, de mouvement et de drame.
Product Features
- Audio & Visual Quality:Playback Compatibility:
- Sound Format: Stereo
- Picture Format: 4:3
- Delivered on a DVD9 double-layer disc with minor pauses during layer changes
Designed for worldwide playback (NTSC) – ensure NTSC compatibility in PAL regions- Special Presentation:
Features a masterful production with stage direction by Peter Butler, conducting by Marco Guidarini, and innovative choreography by Meryl Tankard integrating performers from The Meryl Tankard Australian Dance Theatre and Australian Opera.
Interesting Facts
- Innovative Adaptation:
Gluck’s original Italian opera is transformed into a refined French version, emphasizing dramatic storytelling and musical purity. - Remarkable Ensemble Performance:
Richard Gill’s magnificently singing chorus and Meryl Tankard’s extraordinary actor-dancers merge into one dynamic group, garnering critical acclaim for their seamless performance. - Iconic Venue & Production:
Filmed at the world-renowned Sydney Opera House in 1993, this production captures a historic moment in Opera Australia’s legacy, produced for television in association with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
French Translation – Interesting Facts (Faits Intéressants)
- Adaptation Innovante :
L'opéra italien original de Gluck est transformé en une version française raffinée, mettant en valeur la narration dramatique et la pureté musicale. - Performance d'Ensemble Remarquable :
Le chœur magnifiquement chanté de Richard Gill et les acteur-danseurs extraordinaires de Meryl Tankard fusionnent en un groupe dynamique, recevant des éloges critiques pour leur performance harmonieuse. - Lieu Iconique & Production :
Filmé au Sydney Opera House, l'un des lieux les plus réputés au monde, en 1993, cette production immortalise un moment historique dans l'héritage d'Opera Australia, produite pour la télévision en association avec l'Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Credits & Creative Team
- Conductor: Marco Guidarini
- Director: Peter Butler
- Choreographer: Meryl Tankard
- Dancers:Opera Chorus: Australian Opera Chorus
- The Meryl Tankard Australian Dance Theatre
- Dancers of the Australian Opera
- Orchestra: Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra
- Stage Director: Stefanos Lazaridis
- Executive Producer: Greg Shears
- Sound Producer: Ralph Lane
- DVD Series Producers: Tricia Petri & Julie da Silva-Moore
- Cover Image: Ernie Gerzabek (Australian abstract artist)
This DVD is produced by Opus Arte under licence from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and is part of a prestigious series of opera recordings. All rights are reserved; unauthorized copying, editing, or public performance is strictly prohibited.
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#GluckOpera #OrpheEetEurydice #OperaAustralia #SydneyOperaHouse #ClassicalOpera #OpusArte #Faveo
French (Étiquettes):
#OpéraGluck #OrphéeEtEurydice #OperaAustralia #SydneyOperaHouse #OpéraClassique #OpusArte #Faveo