
Ocean Waves DVD 1993 Directed by Tomomi Mochizuki Japanese anime film - AKA I can hear the Sea

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Ocean Waves (1993 DVD) A Tenger zúgása / 海がきこえる Directed by Tomomi Mochizuki | Written by Saeko Himuro

Product Information

  • UPC: 5998133153937
  • Product Type: DVD
  • Region: Region 2 PAL (Europe)
  • Audio: Japanese 2.0, Hungarian 2.0
  • Subtitles: Hungarian
  • Total Runtime: 70 minutes
  • Release Year: 1993
  • Made In: EU


"Ocean Waves", also known as "I Can Hear the Sea" (Japanese: 海がきこえる, Hepburn: Umi ga Kikoeru), is a poignant Japanese anime film directed by Tomomi Mochizuki and produced by the renowned Studio Ghibli. Based on Saeko Himuro's 1990 novel, this 1993 film captures the essence of youthful love and nostalgia through the eyes of its protagonist, Taku Morisaki.

The story begins in modern-day Tokyo, where Taku unexpectedly spots a familiar face at Kichijōji Station. As he embarks on a flight to Kōchi Prefecture, he reflects on the events that led to his past encounter with Rikako Muto, a transfer student who entered his life two years prior. The narrative unfolds in flashbacks, capturing the essence of adolescence, friendship, and the bittersweet nature of first love against the backdrop of the coastal town of Kōchi.

With its relatable themes and beautifully crafted animation, "Ocean Waves" is a touching exploration of the complexities of young relationships and the enduring impact of formative experiences.

Product Features

  • Audio Options: Japanese 2.0, Hungarian 2.0
  • Subtitles: Hungarian
  • Total Runtime: 70 minutes of heartfelt storytelling and animation
  • Genre: Anime, Drama, Romance
  • Target Audience: Suitable for young adults and fans of romantic dramas

Interesting Facts

Studio Ghibli's Unique Approach
Unlike many of Studio Ghibli's other films, "Ocean Waves" features a more realistic art style and a contemporary setting, emphasizing the everyday lives of high school students rather than fantastical elements.

Nostalgic Themes
The film beautifully captures the essence of nostalgia, exploring how memories shape our identities and relationships. The story resonates with anyone who has experienced the complexities of young love and the passage of time.

Cultural Significance
Originally serialized in the anime magazine Animage, Saeko Himuro's novel gained popularity among young readers, leading to its adaptation into this beloved animated film. The character designs were done by Katsuya Kondo, adding to the film's appeal.





Érdekes tények

A Studio Ghibli egyedi megközelítése
Az Óceánok csobbanása eltér a Studio Ghibli többi alkotásától, mivel realisztikusabb rajzstílust és modern környezetet alkalmaz. A film a középiskolások mindennapi életére összpontosít, nem pedig fantasztikus elemekre.

Nosztalgikus témák
A történet gyönyörűen megragadja a nosztalgia érzését, bemutatva, hogyan formálják az emlékek az identitásunkat és kapcsolatainkat. A film különösen azok számára jelenthet megható élményt, akik átélték a fiatal szerelem és az idő múlásának bonyodalmait.

Kulturális jelentőség
Himuro Saeko regénye eredetileg az Animage anime magazinban jelent meg, és nagy népszerűségre tett szert a fiatal olvasók körében. A filmadaptáció karakterdizájnját Kondó Kacuja készítette, amely tovább növelte az alkotás vonzerejét.

Japanese Summary

Japanese Title: 海がきこえる (Umi ga Kikoeru)

Hungarian Summary

Hungarian Title: A Tenger zúgása
A középiskolás diáktalálkozóra tartva az immár fiatalemberré érett Morisaki ismerős arcot pillant meg a vonatállomáson: mintha egykori szerelmét látta volna. Mit hozhat most, annyi év után a nagy találkozás?


This Region 2 DVD of "Ocean Waves" offers an intimate look into the world of young love, beautifully animated by Studio Ghibli, making it a must-have for anime enthusiasts and fans of heartfelt storytelling.

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#OceanWaves #StudioGhibli #ICanHearTheSea #AnimeFilm #TomomiMochizuki #Nostalgia #YoungLove #JapaneseAnimation #SaekoHimuro


Ocean Waves DVD 1993 A Tenger zúgása  1

Ocean Waves DVD 1993 A Tenger zúgása  1

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