O čemu govori Biblija - What is the Bible All About
ISBN: 9789530041516 / 978-9530041516
ISBN-10: 9530041519
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
Publisher: Duhovna Stvarnost
Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
"O čemu govori Biblija" is the Croatian translation of "What is the Bible All About," authored by Frances Blankenbaker and Robert J. Choun Jr. This comprehensive Bible guide is enriched with landscapes, charts, photos, and drawings, designed to provide readers with a clearer understanding of the biblical narrative and its overarching themes.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Year: Not specified
- Pages: 352
- Publisher: Duhovna Stvarnost
- Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
Interesting Facts
The Bible is an exciting book filled with profound stories and teachings. While studying the Bible, readers often get lost in the details of each event or chapter, losing sight of the "whole picture." This book aims to help readers connect the dots by revealing how everything in the Bible fits together as a cohesive narrative.
Throughout the Bible, God's plan unfolds—a plan for the Israelite people that offers forgiveness and eternal life to humanity, a plan that applies to YOU! The book provides a timeline that indicates when events occurred, complemented by photographs and maps that illustrate where these events took place. Understanding the meanings of biblical words and customs, as well as archaeological discoveries, will make the narratives much clearer. The maps and graphics will assist readers in linking all accounts presented in the Scriptures.
Published by Duhovna Stvarnost, this guide serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Bible and its teachings.
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#OČemuGovoriBiblija #BibleGuide #CroatianTranslation #ChristianLiterature #BiblicalStudies #SpiritualEducation #DuhovnaStvarnost #UnderstandingTheBible #FaithJourney #ArchaeologyAndFaith
Hrvatski Pregled
Biblija je uzbudljiva knjiga. Dok proučavamo Bibliju, događa nam se da se zanesemo pojedinostima svakog događaja ili poglavlja, pa tako gubimo "cjelovitu sliku". Ova će knjiga pomoći uočiti "cjelovitu sliku" - kako se sve u Bibliji uklapa u jednu cjelinu.
Zanimljive Činjenice
Kroz cijelu se Bibliju provlači Božji plan - plan za izraelski narod koji omogućava oproštenje i vječni život ljudima - plan za TEBE! Ova će ti knjiga pomoći u razumijevanju događaja opisanih u Bibliji. Crta vremena pokazuje KADA se događaj dogodio, a fotografije i zemljovidi pokazuju GDJE se to dogodilo. Sve će ti biti mnogo razumljivije kad otkriješ značenje biblijskih riječi i običaja i pročitaš što su arheolozi otkrili u iskopinama biblijskih zemalja. Zemljovidi i grafički prikazi će ti pomoći povezati sva izvješća.
Hála Hálózati Hashtagek
#OČemuGovoriBiblija #KratkiVodičKrozBibliju #HrvatskiPrijevod #KrščanskaLiteratura #BiblijskaStudija #DuhovnaObrazovanje #DuhovnaStvarnost #RazumijevanjeBiblije #PutVjere #ArheologijaIVjera