Oče tebi je sve moguće by Alfons M. Weigl / Molitve u Velikoj Nevolji / 4th croatian edition / Paperback / Karitativni fond UPT 2013
ISBN: 9789532082883 / 978-9532082883
ISBN-10: 9532082883
PAGES: 172
PUBLISHER: Karitativni fond UPT
Author: Alfons M. Weigl
Translated by Srećko Bošnjak
Printed in 3.000 Copies
Croatian Summary:
Ovaj molitvenik želi pripomoći kršćanima u molitvi, posebno u teškim životnim kušnjama kad im se križ života pokaže preteškim. U nevolji treba da se molimo, a naše držanje treba biti slično Isusovom u Getsemaniju.
English Summary:
Father, eveything is possible for you - Prayers in great tribulations - This prayerbook seeks to assist Christians in prayer, especially in the ordeal of life's trials when their cross of life proves too difficult. We should pray in distress, and our posture should be similar to that of Jesus in Gethsemane.