
New Evidence That Demands A Verdict (Simplified Chinese Translation) / Josh McDowell's New Evidence That Demands a Verdict

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New Evidence That Demands A Verdict (Simplified Chinese Translation) 


Product Features

  • Format: Hardcover
  • Pages: 868
  • Publisher: Imprint Edition (2004)
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Title in English: New Evidence That Demands A Verdict
  • Author: Josh McDowell


New Evidence That Demands A Verdict is a pivotal work in the defense of Christianity, now available in Simplified Chinese. This comprehensive volume combines the original best-selling two-part series into a single, accessible book. Josh McDowell’s acclaimed work provides an authoritative defense for Christians confronting skeptical questions. By utilizing secular evidence and historical sources, it addresses key issues such as the historical reliability of the Bible, the evidence for Christ’s divinity, and Christianity's resilience in the modern age. Ideal for those facing contemporary challenges to their faith, this edition ensures readers are well-equipped with a robust defense for their beliefs.

Interesting Facts

  • Author's Background: Josh McDowell is a well-respected Christian apologist known for his in-depth research and persuasive arguments.
  • Secular Evidence: The book uses secular sources to provide a comprehensive defense of Christian faith.
  • Updated Content: Includes new answers to contemporary questions and challenges, reflecting current cultural and academic debates.
  • Influential Work: Recognized as one of the most important books in Christian apologetics, providing critical insights into faith and evidence.


#NewEvidenceThatDemandsAVerdict #JoshMcDowell #ChristianApologetics #SimplifiedChinese #BibleDefense #ChristianFaith #HistoricalEvidence #FaithInModernTimes #SecularEvidence #Christianity #BookInChinese #Apologetics #FaithBuilding #ChristianResources #BuyChristianBooksOnline #DefenseOfFaith


新证据要求判决 是一本在基督教辩护领域具有重要地位的著作,现在已提供简体中文版本。这本全面的书籍将原先畅销的两卷合并为一本易于阅读的版本。约书亚·麦考威尔的经典作品为面对怀疑质疑的基督徒提供了权威的辩护。书中使用世俗证据和历史资料,探讨了圣经的历史可靠性、基督神性的证据以及基督教在现代的坚韧。适合那些面对当代信仰挑战的读者,此版确保读者能够以强有力的辩护应对信仰上的挑战。


  • 作者背景: 约书亚·麦考威尔是一位受人尊敬的基督教辩护者,以深入研究和有说服力的论点著称。
  • 世俗证据: 书中使用世俗来源提供全面的基督教信仰辩护。
  • 更新内容: 包含对当代问题的新回答,反映当前的文化和学术辩论。
  • 影响力作品: 被认为是基督教辩护中最重要的书籍之一,为信仰和证据提供关键洞察。


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