National Uzbek Headgears 19th-20th century by Sadikova Nafisa, Gaybullaeva Yulduz / Миллий бош кийимлари / XIX - XX ASRLAR / Uzbek, Russian, English trilingual edition
Ўзбек миллий бош кийимлари ХІХ-ХХ асрлар / Нафиса Содиқова, Юлдуз Гайбуллаева ; [масъул муҳаррир, Раҳбархон Муртазоева ; инглиз тилига таржимон, Хуршида Умарова] = Национальные головные уборы узбеков ХІХ-ХХ вв. / Садыкова Нафиса, Гайбуллаева Юлдуз ; [отв. редактор, Муртазаева Рахбархон ; перевод на английский язык, Умарова Хуршида]
Hardcover 2014
ISBN: 9789943004658 / 978-9943004658
ISBN-10: 9943470240
PAGES: 335
PUBLISHER: "Шарк̨" нашриёт-матбаа акциядорлик компанияси Бош тах̨ририяти, Toshkent
LANGUAGE: Uzbek, Russian, English
Printed in 1000 Copies
English translation by Hurshida Umarova
Nafisa Sodikova, professor and doctor of Historical sciences, born in 1930 Tashkent City. She published more than 200 scientific articles, including many types of her works as the history of Uzbekistan, monographs on Uzbek national costume, scientific catalogue, methodological handbooks and so on.
Gaybullayeva Yulduz Anvarovna was born on December 28, 1983 in the family of intellectuals, She graduated from Foreing Filology faculty of National University of Uzbekistan in 2006.
English Summary:
Study of a national headgear, as well as any area of a national life, is closely connected with research of some important problems of history and culture of people. In a headgear, as well as in clothes, archaic elements in the form of details, breed (form) and ornaments which revealing represent significant interest for the decision of ethnogeny problem of Uzbek people.