My First Bible in Pictures - Slovenian Children's Bible / Moje Prvo Sveto Pismo Slovenska Izdaja
A colorful and engaging first Bible for young readers, filled with illustrations and stories from the Scriptures in the Slovenian language.
Overview / Pregled
My First Bible in Pictures introduces children to the foundational stories of the Bible in a way that is accessible and engaging. This Slovenian edition, Moje Prvo Sveto Pismo Slovenska Izdaja, features 250 pages of beautifully illustrated Bible stories that will captivate young minds. A perfect introduction to the Word of God for children, with simple, easy-to-understand language, complemented by vibrant pictures that bring the stories to life.
Moje Prvo Sveto Pismo Slovenska Izdaja ponuja otrokom enostavno in privlačno uvajanje v temeljne biblijske zgodbe. Ta slovenska izdaja vsebuje 250 strani čudovitih ilustracij Biblije, ki bodo pritegnile mlade umove. Odličen uvod v Božjo besedo za otroke, z enostavnim, lahko razumljivim jezikom in živahnimi slikami, ki oživijo zgodbe.
Product Features / Značilnosti izdelka
- Format / Format: Hardcover, ensuring durability for frequent use by young children.
Trda vezava zagotavlja dolgo življenjsko dobo pri pogosti uporabi s strani otrok. - Pages / Strani: 250 pages filled with Bible stories and illustrations.
250 strani, polnih biblijskih zgodb in ilustracij. - Language / Jezik: Written in Slovenian for native speakers or language learners.
Napisan v slovenščini za materne govorce ali učence jezika. - Publisher / Izdajatelj: Published by the International Bible Society in 1996.
Izdala Mednarodna biblijska družba leta 1996. - Illustrations / Ilustracije: Full-color illustrations that bring the Bible stories to life for children.
Ilustracije v polni barvi, ki oživijo biblijske zgodbe za otroke. - ISBN / ISBN: 978-8375162219
Interesting Facts / Zanimivosti
For Young Learners: This Bible is designed specifically for younger children, with simple language and engaging illustrations that help them understand the core messages of the Bible.
Ta Biblija je zasnovana posebej za mlajše otroke, z enostavnim jezikom in privlačnimi ilustracijami, ki jim pomagajo razumeti temeljna sporočila Biblije. -
Cultural Significance: It serves as an important tool for introducing Slovenian-speaking children to the Scriptures, instilling biblical values from a young age.
Ima pomembno vlogo pri uvajanju slovenščine govorečih otrok v Sveto pismo in vcepljanju biblijskih vrednot že od malih nog. -
A Lifelong Resource: With its durable hardcover, this Bible can be cherished for years and handed down through generations.
S svojo trdo vezavo je ta Biblija primerna za dolgotrajno uporabo in lahko se jo podaja skozi generacije.
Publishers / Izdajatelji
International Bible Society: A leading organization dedicated to making the Bible accessible to people around the world in their native languages.
Mednarodna biblijska družba: Vodilna organizacija, posvečena temu, da bi Sveto pismo bilo dostopno ljudem po vsem svetu v njihovih maternih jezikih.
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Share your experience with My First Bible in Pictures and how it has helped your child understand the Bible's teachings. Your review will help others in their decision-making process.
Delite svoje izkušnje z "Moje Prvo Sveto Pismo" in kako je pomagalo vašemu otroku razumeti biblijska nauka. Vaša ocena bo pomagala drugim pri sprejemanju odločitev.
Hashtags / Hashtagi
#SlovenianBibleForKids #BibleInSlovenian #MyFirstBibleInPictures #BibleForChildren #SlovenianBible #ChristianBooksForKids #SlovenianLanguage #BibleStoriesForKids #FirstBible #IllustratedBible