
MOTETS FROM THE 13TH CENTURY 1 – Choral Work | Score

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MOTETS FROM THE 13TH CENTURY 1 – Choral Work | Score

Product Information

  • ISMN: 9790080086162 / 979-0080086162
  • Item Number: 8616
  • Product Type: Choral Score
  • Instrumentation: I, II/I, II, III
  • Genre: Choral Work
  • Language: Each work is presented in its original language
  • Length: 24 pages
  • Format: A/4
  • Weight: 0.062 kg
  • Publication Date: 1978
  • Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó


"MOTETS FROM THE 13TH CENTURY 1" is a remarkable collection of medieval motets, edited by Darvas Gábor. This choral work, designed for voices divided into I, II/I, II, and III parts, features 11 distinct motets that showcase the rich polyphonic style of the 13th century. Each motet is presented in its original language, providing an authentic insight into medieval musical traditions. This score is an essential resource for choirs and scholars interested in early music, offering both historical value and artistic depth.

Product Features

  • Authenticity:
    • All works are presented in their original languages, preserving the historical and linguistic integrity of the 13th-century repertoire.
  • Versatile Vocal Arrangement:
    • The motets are arranged for multiple vocal parts (I, II/I, II, III), allowing for a rich and varied choral performance.
  • Compact and Portable:
    • With a length of 24 pages in A/4 format and a lightweight design (0.062 kg), this score is ideal for study and performance.
  • Scholarly Value:
    • Edited by Darvas Gábor, the collection provides valuable insights into medieval music and serves as an important educational tool for performers and researchers.

Interesting Facts

  • Historical Significance:
    • Composed in the 13th century, these motets represent some of the earliest examples of polyphonic choral music, offering a window into medieval musical practices.
  • Diverse Repertoire:
    • The collection features 11 motets with intriguing titles that reflect various themes and textual sources from the medieval period.
  • Editorial Expertise:
    • Edited by Darvas Gábor, this edition is meticulously prepared to maintain the original character and authenticity of the works.

Hungarian Translation – Érdekes Tények:

  • Történelmi Jelentőség:
    • A 13. századból származó motetták az egyik legkorábbi polifon chórusművek példái, amelyek bepillantást engednek a középkori zenei gyakorlatokba.
  • Változatos Repertoár:
    • A gyűjtemény 11 motettet tartalmaz, melyek címekben és szövegekben különféle középkori témákat és forrásokat tükröznek.
  • Szerkesztői Munkásság:
    • Darvas Gábor gondos szerkesztése biztosítja az eredeti művek hitelességét és megőrzését.


  1. Amourousement - He, amours - Omnes
  2. Chanconnete - A la cheminee - Par verité
  3. Coument se puet - Se je chante - Qui prendroit
  4. Dame - Amis - Lonc tans
  5. Encontre le tens - Mens fidem - In odorem
  6. En non Dieu - Quant voi la rose - Elus in Oriente
  7. Je gart le bois
  8. Mors que stimulo - Mors morsu - Mors
  9. Mout me fu gris - Robins m'aime - Portare
  10. O miranda - Salva, mater - Kyrie
  11. Studentes coniugio - De se debent bigami - Kyrie


Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in 1978. All rights reserved under item number 8616 and ISMN 9790080086162 / 979-0080086162.

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#13thCenturyMotets #MedievalMusic #ChoralWork #EarlyMusic #DarvasGabor #EditioMusicaBudapest #HistoricalChoral

Hungarian (Címkék):

#13SzazadiMotettek #KozepkoriZene #Korusmu #KoraiMusika #DarvasGabor #EditioMusicaBudapest #TortenelmiKorus




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