More Than a Carpenter (Afrikaans Language Edition)
Discover the profound insights of "More Than a Carpenter," now available in Afrikaans as "Meer as 'n Timmerman." Authored by Josh McDowell, this impactful book invites readers to explore the true identity of Jesus Christ beyond the traditional view of Him as merely a carpenter. This edition is perfect for Afrikaans-speaking audiences eager to deepen their understanding of faith.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Length: 136 pages
- Publisher: Bible Society
- Release Date: 2005
- Language: Afrikaans
- ISBN-10: 0796302626
- ISBN-13: 978-0796302625
Interesting Facts
"More Than a Carpenter" has touched millions of lives around the world and is recognized as one of the most effective evangelistic tools in Christian literature. Josh McDowell’s journey from skepticism to faith is a central theme, as he presents compelling evidence that supports the claims of Jesus. The book raises critical questions such as, "Is Jesus a liar, a lunatic, or Lord?" encouraging readers to engage with their beliefs and seek the truth.
- Publisher: Bible Society
- Publication Year: 2005
- Language: Afrikaans
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Title Tags, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords
Title Tag: More Than a Carpenter - Afrikaans Edition
Meta Description: Explore the Afrikaans edition of "More Than a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell, a powerful exploration of Jesus' true identity.
Meta Keywords: buy More Than a Carpenter, Afrikaans Christian books, Josh McDowell, faith exploration, inspirational literature, online purchase, rare Christian literature, Meer as 'n Timmerman, Afrikaanse boeke, geloofsverkenning, inligting, online inkopies, seldsame boeke
Translation Requirement (Afrikaans)
Ontdek die diepgaande insigte van "More Than a Carpenter," wat nou beskikbaar is in Afrikaans as "Meer as 'n Timmerman." Geskryf deur Josh McDowell, nooi hierdie impakvolle boek lesers uit om die ware identiteit van Jesus Christus te verken, buite die tradisionele siening van Hom as bloot 'n timmerman. Hierdie uitgawe is perfek vir Afrikaans-sprekende gehore wat hul begrip van geloof wil verdiep.
Produk Kenmerke
- Formaat: Broekie
- Lengte: 136 bladsye
- Uitgewer: Bybelgenootskap
- Vrygawedatum: 2005
- Taal: Afrikaans
- ISBN-10: 0796302626
- ISBN-13: 978-0796302625
Interessante Feite
"More Than a Carpenter" het miljoene lewens regoor die wêreld aangeraak en word erken as een van die mees effektiewe evangelistiese hulpmiddels in Christelike literatuur. Josh McDowell se reis van skeptisisme na geloof is 'n sentrale tema, aangesien hy oortuigende bewyse bied wat die aansprake van Jesus ondersteun. Die boek stel kritieke vrae soos, "Is Jesus 'n leuenaar, 'n mal man, of die Here?" en moedig lesers aan om met hul oortuigings te betrokke te raak en die waarheid te soek.
- Uitgewer: Bybelgenootskap
- Jaar van Publikasie: 2005
- Taal: Afrikaans
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