Miért történnek rossz dolgok Isten népével? by Derek Prince / Hungarian edition of Why Bad Things happen to God's People / Paperback / Derek Prince Ministries / Translated by Horváth Zita
Paperback 2011
ISBN: 9786155856075 / 978-6155856075
ISBN-10: 6155856079
PAGES: 166
PUBLISHER: Derek Prince Ministries Hungary / Logos Alapítvány
Hungarian Summary:
English Summary:
Have you ever asked:
“If God loves me, why am I going through this trial?” or
“Why is there so much misery, suffering, persecution and injustice in the world?”
God’s people still experience the challenges of life. There is one factor, however, that sets people of faith apart – hope.
In Why bad things happen to God’s people, Derek Prince shares timeless truths from the book of Job that will keep you anchored during any storm.
You will:
Be informed… on the roles that Satan and sin play in life’s circumstances.
Be equipped… to respond to fiery trials with Biblical faith.
Be stabilized… through a fresh vision of God’s sovereignty and power.
Be encouraged… as you remember God’s relentless plan to reveal His goodness to you.
Derek Prince
Peter Derek Vaughan Prince (14 August 1915 – 24 September 2003) was a Bible teacher whose daily radio programme, Derek Prince Legacy Radio, is broadcast around the world in various languages.
Derek Prince worked at the Faith Tabernacle in Chicago, and then moved to Good News Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. In May 1971 Derek Prince Publications opened offices in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Derek Prince Publications became Derek Prince Ministries in December 1990.
The Princes traveled extensively in ministry until his wife Ruth died on 29 December 1998. The following list of countries covers their ministry from 1993 to 1998. Some of these countries were visited more than once: Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Hungary, South Africa, Kenya, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey, Poland, Bahrain, Cuba, Colombia, Switzerland, France, Portugal, India and England.
[In Hungarian]
(1915-2003) Nemzetközileg elismert bibliatanító. Hat kontinensen több mint öt évtizeden keresztül tanított és szolgált. Negyvennél több könyvet írt. Az általa alapított Derek Prince Ministriesnek a viág minden részén vannak irodái. 1979-ben rádióműsort indított A Sikeres Élet Kulcsa címmel, melyet ma is sugároznak Derek Prince örökség Rádió néven, több tucat nyelven.