Miért fontos a nyelveken szólás? by Kenneth E. Hagin - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF Why Tongues / Kenneth E. Hagin explains 10 reasons for the Bible that help to see the value and blessings of speaking in tongues.
About the Author:
Kenneth Erwin Hagin (August 20, 1917 – September 19, 2003) was an American preacher.
In 1936, he founded his first non-denominational church. He preached his first sermon as the pastor of a small, community Baptist church in Roland, Texas. In 1937, he became an Assemblies of God minister. During the next twelve years he pastored five Assemblies of God churches in Texas: in the cities of Tom Bean, Farmersville (twice), Talco, Greggton, and Van.Van, Texas was the last church he pastored before starting to travel.
Hagin began an itinerant ministry as a Bible teacher and evangelist in 1949 after an appearance by Jesus. He joined the Voice of Healing Revival in the U.S. with Oral Roberts, Gordon Lindsay and T. L. Osborn between 1947 and 1958.
Hagin was given full admission to the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (also known as the FGBMFI) which had been established in 1951.
Hungarian Summary:
Kenneth E. Hagin ebben a zsebkönyvben 10 olyan okot fejt ki a Biblia alapján, amelyek segítenek meglátni a nyelveken szólás értékét és áldásait. Például, hogyan segíti a nyelveken szólás a szellemi épülést, hogyan serkenti a hitet, vagy hogyan imádkozhatunk Isten tökéletes akaratával összhangban, akár a természetes elménk számára ismeretlen dolgokért is.
English Summary:
In this pocketbook, Kenneth E. Hagin explains 10 reasons for the Bible that help to see the value and blessings of speaking in tongues. For example, how does language aid help spiritual building, stimulate faith, or how we can pray in accordance with God's perfect will, even for things unknown to our natural mind.