Miből lesz a tudomány? by DEL RATZSCH - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF Science & Its Limits: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective (Contours of Christian Philosophy) / How to approach faith and science issues
ISBN: 9789639148642 / 978-9639148642
ISBN-10: 9639148644
About the Author:
Del Ratzsch earned a PhD in philosophy at the University of Massachusetts. He is professor of philosophy at Calvin College and author of The Philosophy of Science, as well as several other books. Much of Ratzsch's work over the last seventeen years at Calvin College has sought to relate science and religion (and more recently creation and evolution) in a way that is philosophically informed, scientifically defensible and theologically meaningful. Although Ratzsch is optimistic that design theory can avoid past mistakes in the creation-evolution controversy, he stresses that fundamental clarifying work remains to be done in this area.
Hungarian Summary:
Mi is voltaképpen a tudomány? Milyen előfeltételezések szükségesek ahhoz, hogy a természettudományokat egyáltalán művelni lehessen? Hogyan változtak ezek az elképzelések a történelem folyamán, elsősorban a huszadik században? Meddig terjednek a természettudomány határai? Milyen viszonyban lehet ma a hit és a tudomány? A szerző ilyen és hasonló kérdésekre választ keresve nyújt alapvető és nélkülözhetetlen eligazítást a tudományelméletben járatlan olvasók számára. Ismertetései lényegre törőek, célja elsősorban ismeretközlés, nem pedig meggyőzés.
English Summary:
Science, especially naturalistic science, has come under fire of late. No longer does it command the near universal respect it once held. From the right has come a fresh attack on Darwinism and arguments for intelligent design. From the left postmodern theorists have attacked the very notion of objective truth claims, scientific or otherwise. Into the fray Del Ratzsch breathes a breath of calm. He asks, What is science? What can it tell us? What can't it tell us? What challenges does it offer to Christian faith? How should a Christian respond? Originally published under the title Philosophy of Science, this revised volume surveys how views of science have developed and changed over time, especially since the Kuhnian revolution of the 1960s. Now updated to reflect current discussions of intelligent design and postmodern views of science, Science & Its Limits offers readers a thoughtful perspective on contemporary trends and useful advice on how to approach faith and science issues.