Master i Margarita DVD 2005 A Mester és Margarita / Full series on 3 DVDs / Directed by Vladimir Bortko / Starring: Aleksandr Galibin, Anna Kovalcuk, Oleg Basilasvili, Vladislav Galkin / Based on M. A Bulgakov's novel / Мастер и Маргарита
UPC 5999886089641
MADE IN Hungary
AUDIO: Hungarian 2.0, Russian 2.0
SUBTITLES: Hungarian
Runtime: 490 minutes (3 discs)
English Summary:
The Master and Margarita (Russian: Мастер и Маргарита, romanized: Master i Margarita) is a Russian television mini-series produced by Russian television channel Telekanal Rossiya, based on the novel The Master and Margarita, written by Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov between 1928 and 1940. Vladimir Bortko directed this adaptation and was also its screenwriter. The series tagline is "Manuscripts do not burn!".
The film is an adaptation of the novel The Master and Margarita written by the Russian author Mikhail Bulgakov. Three story lines are interwoven.
- The first story is a satire of the 1930s in the 20th century, the period during which Joseph Stalin was in power in the Soviet Union. The devil Woland comes to Moscow to have his annual Spring Ball of the Full Moon. Together with his demonic suite, he challenges the corrupt lucky ones, bureaucrats, and profiteers of that period in an hilarious way..
- The second story line is set in the biblical Yershalaim, and describes the inner struggle of Pontius Pilate before, during, and after the conviction and execution of Yeshua Ha Nozri.
- The third layer tells the love story between a nameless writer in Moscow in the 1930s and his lover Margarita. The Master has written a novel about Pontius Pilate, a subject which was taboo in the officially atheistic Soviet Union.
Differences from the novel
Despite the length of the TV series, several scenes and characters from the novel were not included in this adaptation.
- The most notable of the absent characters are doctor Kuzmin and the demon Abaddon.
- The most notable of the absent scenes is The Dream of Nikanor Ivanovich, in which Bulgakov denounces, through the dream of a protagonist, the show trials in the Soviet Union. Vladimir Bortko replaced this scene with an assembly of authentic Soviet propaganda films from that period.
Russian Summary:
«Ма́стер и Маргари́та» — российский телесериал по одноимённому роману Михаила Булгакова режиссёра Владимира Бортко.
Владимир Бортко, по его же словам, поставил перед собой задачу наиболее полно и адекватно передать его содержание. В сериале снялись многие звёзды российского кино. Москва начала 1930-х показана в тонах сепии, Ершалаим — жёлтыми и красными оттенками, а «чудеса» Воланда и его спутников — в красках.
В Москве 1934 года (на «заявлении» Лиходеева Босому в качестве даты указано 12 мая 1934 года) появляется Воланд, то есть сатана, со свитой. Воланда интересуют новые люди в условиях общества, создаваемого независимо от религиозного сознания. Он встречает на Патриарших прудах литератора, председателя МАССОЛИТА Берлиоза и поэта Бездомного, беседующих о неудачной попытке поэта изобразить Иисуса.
Hungarian Summary:
Berlioz egy közparkban éppen azt bizonygatja Hontalannak, a költőnek, hogy Jézus sohasem létezett, amikor egy idegen úriember ül le közéjük. Vitába bocsátkozik velük, majd megjósolja Berlioz halálát. Nem sokkal később Berliozt elüti a villamos és meghal. Hajszálpontosan úgy, ahogy az ismeretlen úr előre jelezte...
Cast / В ролях / Szereplők:
- Oleg Basilashvili as Woland
- Aleksandr Galibin as the Master (voiced by Sergey Bezrukov)
- Anna Kovalchuk as Margarita
- Kirill Lavrov as Pontius Pilate
- Sergey Bezrukov as Yeshua
- Aleksandr Abdulov as Koroviev
- Aleksandr Filippenko as Azazello
- Aleksandr Bashirov as Behemoth (voiced by Semen Furman)
- Vladislav Galkin as Ivan Bezdomny
- Tania U as Hella
- Dmitry Nagiyev as Judas Iscariot / Baron Meigel
- Liubomiras Laucevičius as Aphranius
- Aleksandr Adabashyan as Berlioz
- Gennadi Bogachyov as Aloisy Mogarych
- Valentin Gaft as Caiaphas / Lavrentiy Beria
- Semyon Strugachyov as Levi Matvei
- Valeri Zolotukhin as Bosoy
- Vasily Livanov as Professor Stravinsky
- Roman Kartsev as Poplavsky
- Ilya Oleynikov as Rimsky
- Aleksandr Pankratov-Chyorny as Likhodeyev
- Valentin Smirnitsky as Sempleyarov
- Ivan Krasko as the taxi driver
Created by | Vladimir Bortko |
Starring | Anna Kovalchuk Aleksandr Galibin Oleg Basilashvili Vladislav Galkin Sergey Bezrukov |
Theme music composer | Igor Kornelyuk |
Country of origin | Russia |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 10 |
Жанр | сатира фантастика драма мистика криминал экранизация |
Создатель | Владимир Бортко |
Основано на | Мастер и Маргарита |
Сценарист |
Режиссёр |
В ролях | Олег Басилашвили Анна Ковальчук Александр Галибин Владислав Галкин Кирилл Лавров Александр Абдулов Александр Баширов Сергей Безруков Семён Стругачёв |
Композитор |
Страна |
Язык | русский |
Количество сезонов | 1 |
Количество серий | 10 |
Производство | |
Продюсер |
Оператор |
Место съёмок | ![]() ![]() |
Длительность серии | 44—53 минуты |
Студия | Россия-1 |
Трансляция | |
Телеканал | «Россия» |
На экранах | 19 декабря — 28 декабря 2005 |