Printed in Uzbekistan
Uzbek Language Translation
Product Details
- Author: Mark Twain
- Translator: Alisher Sa'dulla
- Genre: Historical Fiction, Novel
- Publisher: Yoshlar Matbuoti
- Publication Date: 2023
- Pages: 288
- Language: Uzbek
- UO'K: 821.512-133-3
- KBK: 84(7Amer)
- ISBN: 978-9943947214 / 9789943947214
Product Specifications
- Format: Paperback
- Language: Uzbek
- Dimensions: 84x108 1/32
- Print: Offset
- Number of Pages: 288
- Number of Copies: 2000
"The Prince and the Pauper" is a historical novel by the famous American author Mark Twain. The Uzbek translation of this work is considered one of the author's first and most popular historical novels. The story revolves around the young prince Tom Canty and the poor boy Edward, who live in completely different worlds. However, fate brings them together through a series of unexpected events.
The novel explores the lives of these two boys, their adventures, and the challenges they face as they navigate the complexities of 16th-century England. The story is filled with moments of laughter, tears, and suspense, making it a timeless classic that has captivated readers around the world.
Interesting Facts
- "The Prince and the Pauper" is one of Mark Twain's earliest and most well-known historical novels.
- The story has been passed down through generations, with fathers sharing it with their sons and daughters.
- The novel is considered a historical tale, folklore, or even a legend, and its events are thought to have taken place in the distant past.
Umumiy koʻrinish
"Shahzoda va qashshoq" - mashhur amerikalik yozuvchi Mark Tvenning tarixiy romani. Bu asarning o‘zbek tiliga tarjimasi yozuvchining birinchi va mashhur tarixiy romanlaridan biri sanaladi. Hikoya yosh shahzoda Tom Kanti va butunlay boshqa dunyoda yashaydigan kambag'al bola Edvard atrofida sodir bo'ladi. Biroq, taqdir ularni bir qator kutilmagan hodisalar orqali birlashtiradi.
Roman bu ikki o‘g‘ilning hayoti, sarguzashtlari va 16-asr Angliyasining murakkabliklarini kezishda duch keladigan qiyinchiliklarni o‘rganadi. Hikoya kulgi, ko'z yoshlar va shubhali lahzalar bilan to'ldirilgan bo'lib, uni butun dunyo bo'ylab o'quvchilarni o'ziga jalb qilgan abadiy klassikaga aylantiradi.
Qiziqarli faktlar
"Shahzoda va faqir" Mark Tvenning eng qadimgi va eng mashhur tarixiy romanlaridan biridir.
Bu hikoya avloddan-avlodga o'tib, otalar o'g'illari va qizlari bilan o'rtoqlashdilar.
Roman tarixiy ertak, xalq og‘zaki ijodi yoki hatto afsona sanaladi va undagi voqealar uzoq o‘tmishda sodir bo‘lgan deb taxmin qilinadi.
Cast and Crew
- Author: Mark Twain
- Translator: Alisher Sa'dulla
- Literary Editor: Zebiniso Hayitova
- Senior Editor: Bobur Muradov
- Computer Typesetter: Azim Jo'raboyev
- Technical Editor: Ibrohim Inqilobov