
Mērķtiecīga DZĪVE – Riks Vorens (Rick Warren)

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Mērķtiecīga DZĪVE – Riks Vorens (Rick Warren)

The Purpose Driven Life in Latvian Language

ISBN: 9789984966540 / 978-9984966540 

Product Features

  • Title: Mērķtiecīga DZĪVE: KĀDĒĻ ES DZĪVOJU VIRS ZEMES? (The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?)
  • Author: Riks Vorens (Rick Warren)
  • Translated by: Ģirts Balodis
  • Publisher: Agape Latvija
  • Original Publisher: Zondervan
  • Language: Latvian
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages 324
  • ISBN: 9789984966540
  • Year of Publication: 2004 (Latvian Edition)


English Version
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is a globally acclaimed Christian book that tackles the fundamental question: Why am I here on Earth? This Latvian edition, Mērķtiecīga Dzīve, guides readers through a 40-day spiritual journey, helping them discover God’s purpose for their lives. Warren emphasizes that you are not an accident; God created you for a reason, and this understanding will bring clarity, focus, and meaning to your life.

The book outlines how one's life is a response to God's love, intended to bring glory to Him both in this life and the next. It is a powerful resource for anyone seeking purpose, combining biblical teachings with practical advice on how to live a purpose-driven life, aligned with God's plan.

Latvian Version
The Purpose Driven Life jeb Mērķtiecīga Dzīve ir pasaulē atzīts kristīgais darbs, kurā Riks Vorens risina fundamentālo jautājumu: kādēļ es dzīvoju virs zemes? Šis latviešu izdevums ved lasītājus 40 dienu garīgā ceļojumā, palīdzot tiem atklāt Dieva nolūku viņu dzīvei. Vorens uzsver, ka tava dzīve nav nejaušība; Dievs tevi radīja ar noteiktu mērķi, un šīs sapratnes atklāšana piešķirs tavai dzīvei skaidrību, fokusu un jēgu.

Grāmata izklāsta, kā cilvēka dzīve ir atbilde uz Dieva mīlestību, ar mērķi pagodināt Viņu gan šajā dzīvē, gan mūžībā. Tas ir spēcīgs resurss ikvienam, kurš meklē dzīves jēgu, apvienojot Bībeles mācības ar praktiskiem padomiem, kā dzīvot mērķtiecīgu dzīvi saskaņā ar Dieva plānu.

Interesting Facts

  • Global Impact: The Purpose Driven Life has been translated into numerous languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide. It is regarded as one of the most influential Christian books.
  • Latvian Edition: This translation, done by Ģirts Balodis, ensures that Latvian-speaking Christians can benefit from Warren’s powerful message about living a life aligned with God’s purpose.
  • Practical and Spiritual: The book combines practical daily steps with spiritual insights, guiding readers through life’s biggest questions with biblical wisdom.
  • Testimonials: The book has received praise from Christian leaders worldwide for its ability to inspire and transform lives by helping individuals focus on their God-given purpose.

Table of Contents (Selected Topics)

  1. You Are Not an Accident
  2. What Drives Your Life?
  3. Made to Last Forever
  4. What Matters Most
  5. God’s Power in Your Weakness
  6. Living for God’s Glory
  7. The Purpose of Your Life


Agape Latvija
Riga, Latvia

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA


English Version

#ThePurposeDrivenLife #RickWarren #ChristianLiving #FindingYourPurpose #SpiritualJourney #LatvianBooks #ChristianBooks

Latvian Version

#MērķtiecīgaDzīve #RiksVorens #KristīgāDzīve #DzīvesJēga #GarīgaisCeļojums #LatviešuGrāmatas #KristīgāsGrāmatas


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