Looking Unto Jesus
by Theodore Monod
Translated by Connie Yu
- UPC: 9789628385997 / 978-9628385997
- ISBN-10: 9628385992
- Pages: 22
- Publisher: Living Stone Publishers
- Language: Traditional Chinese (Mandarin) / English
- Release Year: 2017
- Binding: Paperback
Looking Unto Jesus by Theodore Monod is a devotional booklet designed to shift our focus from ourselves and our shortcomings to Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Monod invites readers to look to Jesus—Crucified, Risen, and Glorified—as the ultimate source of our salvation, strength, and daily guidance. Through this brief but profound text, the author encourages believers to fix their gaze on Christ continually, drawing spiritual sustenance and direction from Him alone. The booklet serves as a reminder that in Christ we find complete satisfaction for the needs of our souls, offering a deep reflection on His work and character.
Chinese Description (中文描述)
《仰望耶穌》由泰奧多·莫諾德(Theodore Monod)所著,這本靈修小冊子旨在將我們的焦點從自己與不足的地方轉向基督,祂是我們信仰的創始成終者(希伯來書12:2)。莫諾德邀請讀者仰望耶穌—那位被釘十字架的、復活的、得榮耀的基督,祂是我們得救、得力與每日指引的唯一源頭。這本簡短但深刻的文字鼓勵信徒不斷將目光聚焦在基督身上,從祂那裡汲取屬靈的滋養與指引。這本小冊子提醒我們,在基督裡,我們找到了滿足靈魂一切需求的完全來源,並深刻反思祂的工作與品格。
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 22
- Language: Traditional Chinese (Mandarin) / English
- First Published: 2017
- Publisher: Living Stone Publishers
Interesting Facts
- Scriptural Foundation: The booklet centers on Hebrews 12:2, urging believers to look unto Jesus in all aspects—His crucifixion, resurrection, and glorification—as the source of spiritual life.
- Spiritual Focus: It emphasizes the role of Christ in the life of the believer: as our ransom, peace, righteousness, and heavenly advocate.
- Timeless Christian Classic: Theodore Monod's work continues to be valued for its clear and devotional focus on Christ's central role in the Christian faith.
- Translation: This edition, translated into Traditional Chinese, opens up Monod's devotional message to a wider audience, maintaining its heartfelt call for believers to focus on Christ's finished work.
- 聖經根基:這本小冊子的核心是希伯來書12:2,鼓勵信徒在各方面仰望耶穌—祂的十字架、復活和榮耀—作為屬靈生命的源頭。
- 靈修焦點:強調基督在信徒生活中的角色:祂是我們的贖價、平安、義和天上的代求者。
- 經典靈修之作:泰奧多·莫諾德的作品因其清晰且靈修專注於基督在基督教信仰中的核心角色而被持久重視。
- 翻譯版:這一版本被翻譯成繁體中文,讓更多讀者接觸到莫諾德的靈修訊息,並維持他對信徒專注於基督完成工作的重要呼籲。
About the Author
Theodore Monod (1836–1912) was a French clergyman and writer who played a significant role in spreading the Christian message. After studying law in Paris, Monod dedicated himself to ministry, first in the United States among French Canadians, then back in Paris where he served in various capacities. Known for his hymns and writings, Monod’s devotion to Christ and his biblical insights continue to influence believers around the world.
泰奧多·莫諾德(Theodore Monod,1836–1912)是法國牧師與作家,在傳播基督教信息方面發揮了重要作用。莫諾德曾在巴黎學習法律,後來專心於事奉,最初在美國的法裔加拿大人中服事,然後回到巴黎,擔任不同職位。莫諾德以他的聖詩和著作聞名,他對基督的奉獻以及他在聖經的見解至今仍對全球的信徒產生深遠影響。
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