Liv Helga Dommasnes et al.: Situating Gender in European Archaeologies / Archaeolingua 2010
Budapest, Archaeolingua, 2010
Puhakötés | Paper book, 23.5 × 16.5 cm
309 oldal, színes és fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal | 309 pages with colored and grayscale images
Language: English
ISBN: 9639911151 / ISBN-13: 9789639911154 / 978-9639911154
Table of contents // Tartalomjegyzék
This volume contains fifteen studies of gender and archaeology in Europe from different perspectives, including contributions to the research history of gender in archaeology as well as case-studies that focus on gender relations in Iberia, Scandinavia, Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Eastern Mediterranean. In addition, two introductory essays place these various approaches in context, explicitly considering how knowledge is created by scholars located (“situated”) in time and space, how different academic traditions and regional approaches are (or are not) represented in the dominant English-language literature, and how gender research is disseminated to the public and to academic audiences.