Let’s Read It Together! - Хамтдаа Уншицгаая
UPC: 700535063838
Product Features
- Author: Биргитте Киар / Birgitte Kiar
- Binding: Hardcover
- Edition: 2015
- Publisher: улаанбаатар хот / Ulaanbaatar
- Language: Mongolian
- Pages: 250
- ISBN: 700535063838
"Let’s Read It Together!" is the Nr. 2 Christian book for families, crafted specifically for Mongolian-speaking audiences. This delightful hardcover book is designed to engage children in meaningful devotionals and spiritual teachings. It encourages families to come together, fostering a love for reading and a deeper understanding of Christian values.
This resource is perfect for teaching children about faith through interactive stories and activities, making it an essential addition to any family's spiritual library. The book's engaging content is tailored to resonate with young readers, helping them explore their faith in a fun and relatable way.
Interesting Facts
- The book is part of a growing movement in Mongolia to promote reading among children, aligning with initiatives like "Let’s Read Mongolia," which aims to enhance educational outcomes through literature.
- Birgitte Kiar is recognized for her contributions to children's literature, focusing on themes that nurture faith and moral development.
- This book has been embraced by families and churches across Mongolia, becoming a popular choice for family devotionals and educational settings.
- The publisher, based in Ulaanbaatar, is dedicated to producing high-quality Christian literature that supports the spiritual growth of children in the Mongolian language.
- улаанбаатар хот / Ulaanbaatar
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#ChildrensDevotional #MongolianChristianBooks #FamilyReading #LetsReadTogether
Translations (Mongolian)
"Let’s Read It Together!" нь гэр бүлүүдийн дунд хоёрдугаар Христийн ном бөгөөд Монгол хэлээр ярих хүмүүст зориулагдсан. Энэ сонирхолтой ном нь хүүхдүүдийг итгэлтэйгээр уншихад уриалж, гэр бүлүүдийг хамтдаа уншихад дэмжлэг үзүүлдэг.
Сонирхолтой Факт
- Ном нь Монголд хүүхдүүдийн уншлагыг дэмжих зорилгоор гаргасан "Let’s Read Mongolia" санаачилгын нэг хэсэг бөгөөд боловсролын үр дүнг сайжруулахад чиглэгдсэн.
#ХүүхдийнСургаал #МонголХристийнНом #ГэрБүлгийнУншлага #LetsReadTogether