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Men are confronted on every turn by our society that keeps trying to press them into its idea of what a man is. Television, magazines, advertising all paint a picture of the American male that is not biblical. Our heritage also militates against a healthy male view. Many men have that "Frontier Mentality" which espouses a false sense of self-sufficiency. Dr. David W. Smith cuts through all of this and brings us back to a true biblical view of how men need to build and maintain healthy friendships. Dr. Smith gives men a a biblical foundation and a plan of action for change. When we look at current trends in our society-only 14 percent of households by 1990 being the traditional family unit with the wife working in the home and husband outside-it is all the more important that men know who they are and what God would have them doing. The Friendless American Male gives us help in being the men God wants us to be in our relationships with others. This study will be good for women also. One of the hardest
relationships to maintain, many times, is between a husband and wife. Chapter 10 is written especially for women. It not only addresses improving the relationship with her husband, but also building positive habits in her sons. Women will benefit greatly from this study.
Now Gospel Light combines the best of its specialties to help your study group come alive! You've always trusted the specialists at Gospel Light for the best educational materials for your Sunday School program. You've trusted the people at Regal Books to provide quality reading to help Christians grow Now, you have the best of both... The Regal Study and Grow Electives. We've selected the Regal books which are consistently popular and have created Leader's Guides for them. Geared especially for the lay group leader, the Leader's Guide features easy-to-follow checklists for materials, class preparation and step-by-step lesson plans for each of the B sessions. Each Leader's Guide begins with a special section of hints for the teacher, like "A Good Teacher Does" and "A Good Teacher Does Not," for effective group discussion, personalizing the program and looking ahead.
This Leader's Guide is the companion for: The Friendless American Male by David W. Smith. Smith offers practical advice to help men go beyond surface relationships to develop lasting, genuine friendships.
Other titles in this special new series are: Caring Enough to Confront by David Augsburger. This book explores a lifestyle for Christians who care enough to confront others directly when conflicts arise.
Caring Enough to Hear by David Augsburger. The author challenges Christians to further develop their caring skills by learning to listen and to be heard.
Emotions: Can You Trust Them? by James Dobson. Emotions play a powerful role in our lives. Understanding them is the first step in recognizing that emotions aren't wrong-it's what we do with them that
How to Be a Christian Without Being Religious by Fritz Ridenour. The author shows why "religion" has failed and points to true Christianity and a faith that's more than "fire insurance."
Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness by Jerry Cook with Stanley C. Baldwin. Discover how your church can provide an atmosphere of love, forgiveness and acceptance as people minister to people.
You can be confident your group will come alive during these studies! Be sure to get one book for each group member when you pick up your Leader's Guide.