
Large Croatian Serbian Picture Bible for All Ages / Jugoslaviju Edition 1991

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Large Croatian Serbian Picture Bible for All Ages | Biblija U Stripu

Title: Biblija U Stripu (Large Croatian Serbian Picture Bible for All Ages)
Publisher: Duhovna Stvarnost
Year of Publication: 1991
Language: Serbo-Croatian
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 834
Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 7.6 x 2.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.4 pounds

Overview | Pregled

The Biblija U Stripu (Large Croatian Serbian Picture Bible for All Ages) is a unique, richly illustrated Bible designed to engage readers of all ages. Published in 1991 by Duhovna Stvarnost, this collector's edition features 834 full-color pages that depict biblical stories in the form of comic strip illustrations. Offering a captivating visual journey through both the Old and New Testaments, this Bible is perfect for families, educational settings, and anyone looking for a visually enriching experience of the Scriptures.

This hardcover edition is an invaluable resource, making it an excellent choice for readers who wish to explore the Bible's timeless messages in a visually stimulating format. Whether used as a tool for children’s Bible study or a cherished addition to a collector’s library, this Bible is bound to leave a lasting impression.

Biblija U Stripu (Velika Hrvatsko-Srpska Ilustrovana Biblija za Sve Uzraste) je jedinstvena Biblija bogato ilustrovana u formatu stripova, koja je dizajnirana da angažuje čitaoce svih uzrasta. Objavljena 1991. godine od strane Duhovne Stvarnosti, ova kolekcionarska edicija sadrži 834 stranice u punoj boji koje prikazuju biblijske priče u formi strip ilustracija. Ova Biblija je savršena za porodice, obrazovne svrhe, kao i sve koji žele vizuelno obogatiti svoje istraživanje Svetog Pisma.

Ova hardcover edicija je dragocen resurs, što je čini odličnim izborom za čitaoce koji žele da istraže večne poruke Biblije kroz vizuelno stimulativan format. Bilo da se koristi kao alat za studiju Biblije za decu ili kao dragoceni dodatak kolekcionarskoj biblioteci, ova Biblija će sigurno ostaviti trajan utisak.

Product Features | Karakteristike proizvoda

  • Illustrations: Full-color comic strip-style illustrations bring Bible stories to life.
    Ilustracije: Ilustracije u punoj boji u stilu stripova oživljavaju biblijske priče.
  • Audience: Ideal for readers of all ages, from children to adults, who appreciate visual storytelling.
    Publika: Idealna za čitaoce svih uzrasta, od dece do odraslih, koji cene vizuelno pripovedanje.
  • Content: Includes stories from both the Old and New Testaments, presented through captivating images.
    Sadržaj: Uključuje priče iz Starog i Novog Zaveta, predstavljene kroz fascinantne slike.
  • Format: Hardcover, making it durable for frequent use and perfect for display.
    Format: Hardcover, što je čini izdržljivom za čestu upotrebu i savršenom za izlaganje.
  • Pages: 834 full-color pages, providing an extensive visual journey through biblical history.
    Stranice: 834 stranice u punoj boji, pružajući opsežno vizuelno putovanje kroz biblijsku istoriju.
  • Shipping Weight: 4.4 pounds, reflecting the large size and premium quality of the book.
    Težina proizvoda: 4.4 funte, što odražava veliku veličinu i visok kvalitet knjige.

Interesting Facts | Zanimljive činjenice

  • The Biblija U Stripu is a rare collector's item, particularly prized for its unique comic strip format and detailed, colorful illustrations.
    Biblija U Stripu je retka kolekcionarska edicija, naročito cenjena zbog svog jedinstvenog formata stripova i detaljnih, živopisnih ilustracija.
  • This edition offers an excellent way to teach children and young readers about the Bible in a format that is both entertaining and educational.
    Ova edicija nudi odličan način da se deci i mladim čitaocima približe biblijske priče u formatu koji je istovremeno zabavan i edukativan.
  • The visual approach makes complex Bible stories accessible, encouraging young minds to explore the Scriptures with ease.
    Vizuelni pristup čini složene biblijske priče dostupnijim, podstičući mlade umove da istražuju Sveto Pismo sa lakoćom.
  • Its collector’s value is enhanced by its rarity and its status as a key part of the Croatian and Serbian Christian publishing heritage.
    Njena kolekcionarska vrednost je pojačana njenom retkošću i statusom ključnog dela hrišćanske izdavačke baštine Hrvatske i Srbije.
  • This Bible is especially valuable for families who want to share the Bible in a way that captivates both young and older readers.
    Ova Biblija je posebno vredna za porodice koje žele da podele Sveto Pismo na način koji će očarati kako mlađe, tako i starije čitaoce.

Publisher | Izdavač

  • Publisher: Duhovna Stvarnost
    Izdavač: Duhovna Stvarnost
  • Year of Publication: 1991
    Godina izdanja: 1991
  • Language: Serbo-Croatian
    Jezik: Hrvatsko-Srpski
  • Format: Hardcover
    Format: Hardcover
  • Pages: 834
    Stranice: 834

Hashtags | Hashtagovi

#CroatianBible #SerbianBible #PictureBible #BibleComics #BibleForAllAges #CollectorBible #RareBibles #DuhovnaStvarnost #BiblijaUStripu #BibleStories #BibleForChildren #FullColorBible #ChristianComics #BibleEducation #VisualBible #BiblicalIllustrations #BibleForFamilies #ChristianHeritage #OldTestament #NewTestament #ComicStripBible #BibleTeaching #ChristianResource #SerboCroatianBible #BibleForCollectors #BibleStudy #RareBibleEdition #CroatianChristianBooks

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