La revolta de les Germanies - Capella de Ministrers - Carles Magraner / Guerra i pau en el Renaixement / Audio CD / The Revolt of the Brotherhoods: Military Music and Culture in 16th Century Europe / CDM 2049
UPC 8216116220498
AUDIO: Valencian, Spanish, English and French 2.0
Total Runtime: 77 minutes
English Summary:
The Revolt of the Brotherhoods: Military Music and Culture in 16th Century Europe.Music and war have been linked together since time immemorial. This relationship can be traced from the simple drum and bugle calls performed by army musicians at the height of battle, to communicate orders or to engender courage (or fear) in the combatants, to the more elaborate pieces composed to instill patriotism, such as military marches, songs of victory and compositions for triumphal parades, staged works and dances such as choreographed sword dances.
In the religious sphere the impact of war, always wrapped in a solemn, moralising tone, has been similarly noteworthy. This CD serves to commemorate the Fifth Centenary of the Revolt of the Brotherhoods, a popular uprising against the nobility – and also against the monarchy itself owing to an increase in taxes – which was instigated by the craftsmen’s guilds in the kingdoms of Valencia and Mallorca between 1519 and 1523.
Performers / Artists:
Èlia Casanova, soprano
Hugo Bolívar, contratenor
Albert Riera, Víctor Sordo, Jesús Navarro, Ignacio Pérez, tenores
Pablo Acosta, barítono
Carles Magraner, viola da gamba
Lixania Fernández, viola da gamba
Jordi Comellas, viola da gamba
Leonardo Luckert, viola da gamba
Raquel Fernández, violone
David Antich, flautas
Núria Sanromà, cornetto
Silke G. Schulze, chirimía
Elies Hernàndis, sacabuche
Joan Marín, sacabuche
Álvaro Martínez, sacabuche
David García, sacabuche
Ovidi Giménez, bajón
Pau Ballester, percusión
Robert Cases, guitarra y tiorba
Sara Águeda, arpa
Tracklist / Contents:
Revolt of the Germanies (Brotherhoods)
War and peace in the Renaissance
1. Heinrich Isaac (c.1450-1517)
Alla Battaglia
2. Tielman Susato (c.1500-1564)
Danserye. Passe & Medio, Bergerette: Les Grand Douleurs & Pavane Sur la Bataille
3. Mateo Flecha (c.1481-1553)
El Jubilate
4. Claude Gervaise (1525-1583)
Pavanne & Gaillarde de la Guerre
5. Cristóbal de Morales (1500-1553)
Jubilate Deo
6. Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612)
Intrada & Gagliarda
7. Mateo Flecha (c.1481-1553)
Todos los buenos soldados. La Guerra
8. Andrea Gabrieli (c.1510-1586)
Aria della Battaglia
9. Orlando di Lassus (1532-1594)
Da Pacem Domine
10. Michael Praetorius (1571/72-1621)
Terpsichore. Galliarde et Courant de la Guerre, Entrée, Bouree & Courrant de Bataglia
11. Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654)
Suite de Batalla. Paduana Dolorosa & Galliard Battaglia
12. Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi (1556-1609)
Amor Vittorioso
Spanish Description:
Probablemente el acontecimiento político más importante del siglo XVI en Valencia, sea la Revuelta de las Germanías (1520-22), que se produjo en la Valencia de principios del siglo XVI inmediatamente después del gran siglo de oro en términos culturales, económicos y sociales que representó para Valencia el siglo XV.
Tomando como punto de partida la conmemoración del V Centenario de la Rebelión de las Germanías, la revuelta social contra la nobleza impulsada por las hermandades gremiales de los reinos de Valencia y Mallorca entre 1519 y 1523, el programa que lleva a cabo Capella de Ministrers explora parte del repertorio de corte bélico compuesto en la Europa católica durante el “largo” siglo XVI.