Krv Kristova - Svetišta Krvi Kristove by Fra Bogdan Cvetković
- UPC: 9789530035492 / 978-9530035492
- ISBN-10: 9530035497
- Pages: 140
- Publisher: Sion
- Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
- Year: 2005
Overview / Pregled
"Krv Kristova - Svetišta Krvi Kristove" by Fra Bogdan Cvetković is a deeply spiritual Catholic book that explores the profound significance of Christ's blood in both the Old and New Testament. It offers readers a reflective journey through the biblical imagery of Christ's blood, tracing its symbolism, the messages of the New Covenant, and the devotion to His precious blood through various sacred sites. The book delves into the historical and spiritual importance of the shrines dedicated to the Blood of Christ, such as Mantova, Weingarten, Glastonbury, and many more, connecting them to the powerful mystery of Christ's sacrifice.
The book is an essential resource for understanding the significance of the Eucharistic Blood of Christ and the places where this divine relic is revered. It also includes profound contributions on the veneration of Christ's blood by various Popes and Saints, making it a valuable devotional read for anyone seeking to deepen their faith.
"Krv Kristova - Svetišta Krvi Kristove" Fra Bogdana Cvetkovića knjiga je koja duboko istražuje duhovnu važnost Kristove krvi u Starom i Novom zavjetu. Čitateljima nudi refleksivno putovanje kroz biblijske slike Kristove krvi, prateći njezin simbolizam, poruke Novoga Saveza, te štovanje Njegove presvete krvi kroz različita sveta mjesta. Knjiga istražuje povijesnu i duhovnu važnost svetilišta posvećenih Kristovoj krvi, poput Mantove, Weingartena, Glastonburyja i mnogih drugih, povezujući ih s moćnim misterijem Kristove žrtve.
Knjiga je ključni izvor za razumijevanje važnosti Euharistijske krvi Kristove i mjesta na kojima se taj božanski relikvij štuje. Također uključuje duboke doprinose o štovanju Kristove krvi od strane raznih papa i svetaca, čineći je dragocjenim duhovnim štivom za svakog vjernika koji želi produbiti svoju vjeru.
Product Features / Značajke proizvoda
- Format: Hardcover / Tvrdi uvez
- Pages: 140 / Stranice: 140
- Dimensions: Standard hardcover size / Standardne dimenzije tvrdog uveza
- Language: Croatian (Hrvatski) / Jezik: Hrvatski
- Publisher: Sion / Izdavač: Sion
- Published Year: 2005 / Godina izdanja: 2005
- ISBN-13: 9789530035492 / ISBN-13: 9789530035492
- ISBN-10: 9530035497 / ISBN-10: 9530035497
Interesting Facts / Zanimljive činjenice
- Focus on Sacred Sites: The book highlights several sacred shrines dedicated to Christ's blood, both Eucharistic and symbolic. These shrines, located across Europe, have long been pilgrimage sites for those seeking spiritual renewal and connection with the Divine.
- Papal and Saintly Devotion: The book includes fascinating contributions on the veneration of Christ's blood by Popes like Pope John XXIII and John Paul II, along with quotes from Saints who have expressed deep reverence for the Precious Blood.
- Rich Historical Context: The shrines mentioned in the book, such as Mantova, Weingarten, and Glastonbury, are not only spiritual destinations but also bear rich historical significance, representing the continuity of devotion across centuries.
Track Listing (For CD Edition, if applicable) / Popis pjesama (Za CD izdanje, ako je primjenjivo)
Publishers / Izdavači
- Publisher: Sion / Izdavač: Sion
- Publication Year: 2005 / Godina izdanja: 2005
- Location: Croatia / Lokacija: Hrvatska
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#KrvKristova #SvetištaKrviKristove #FraBogdanCvetković #PreciousBlood #EucharisticBlood #CatholicDevotion #SacredShrines #CroatianCatholicBooks #FaithAndDevotion #CatholicHistory #SpiritualJourney #SionPublishing