Kreatív élettervezés - HOZZUK KI MAGUNKBÓL A MAXIMUMOT! by PAUL CH. DONDERS - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF Creative Life Planning 3.0: Discover your dignity and destiny / learn and make important decisions in your life and in your work
ISBN: 9789632882659 / 978-9632882659
ISBN-10: 9632882652
About the Author:
Paul CH. Donders is one of the founders of xpand. Over the past 28 years Paul has been a driving force within xpand. He is CEO of xpand South Africa and chairman of the board of xpand International. Paul is a highly-regarded, inspirational speaker, a trusted coach for top-level leaders, an established strategic advisor and leadership trainer, as well as an author of various leadership books.
Hungarian Summary:
Mi az, amit eddig elértem? Milyen adottságaim vannak? Merre tart az életem? Mit tehetek azért, hogy a céljaimat elérjem, és az álmaim valóra váljanak? Kitől kaphatok támogatást és segítséget terveim megvalósításához? – teszi fel a kérdést a szerző egy többlépcsős folyamat egy-egy állomásaként. A Kreatív élettervezés című könyv interaktív módon kalauzolja végig az olvasót „a benne rejlő művész” megismerésének útján. Az egyes fejezetek műhelygyakorlatok és érdekes feladatok révén ösztönöznek bennünket életszemléletünk és jövőképünk átgondolására.
English Summary:
Creatively planning your life in the 21st century has become more challenging than ever before. These days, people often work until they are 75 years old. Young people, at the beginning of their professional life know that they may change careers up to 4 times. But those already established in their profession are also forced to constantly adapt to the changing tides. Therefore, you must continue to learn and make important decisions in your life and in your work. Chaos and stress often cloud your vision. So, how can you regain and renew your perspective on life and work?
Creative Life Planning 3.0 is your toolbox in this quest. You will discover answers to the following questions:
– Where do I come from?
– What is my story?
– What is my potential?
– What skills, personality and passion do I bring to the table?
– Where am I going?
– How do I develop a meaningful, healthy and successful professional life?
– How do I combine my work and private life so that I gain energy from both?
– How can I become more resilient?