Kölcsey Ferenc Összes Versei / All Poems of Ferenc Kölcsey
Publisher: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó
Format: Hardcover
Year of Publication: 1990
ISBN-10: 9631543048
ISBN: 9789631543049
Pages: 174
Language: Hungarian
Ferenc Kölcsey's All Poems presents a comprehensive collection of the renowned Hungarian poet's works, offering readers an in-depth exploration of his poetry that reflects the cultural and intellectual spirit of 19th-century Hungary. This volume includes Kölcsey's key poetic contributions, showcasing his mastery of the Hungarian language and his pivotal role in shaping Hungarian literature.
The book, published by Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, brings together Kölcsey's finest works, including his celebrated national poem Himnusz, which remains the Hungarian national anthem. This hardcover edition offers an accessible yet rich presentation of the poet's legacy.
Dimensions: 11 x 20 cm
Kölcsey Ferenc (1790–1838) was one of Hungary’s greatest poets, known for his significant influence on Hungarian literature and national identity. His works span a range of genres, including lyric poetry, drama, and essays, but he is best remembered for his patriotic poetry that sought to inspire and unite the Hungarian people. Kölcsey's Himnusz is a lasting symbol of national pride and resilience. His literary legacy continues to inspire both Hungarian and global readers today.
Interesting Facts
- Kölcsey's Himnusz was written in 1823 and later adopted as the national anthem of Hungary, making him a key figure in the country’s cultural history.
- The poet’s works are noted for their emotional depth, philosophical insights, and literary mastery.
- This edition offers a thorough collection of Kölcsey’s poetry, providing readers with a deeper understanding of his vision for Hungary and his contribution to Hungarian cultural heritage.
Érdekes tények
- Kölcsey Himnusz című verse 1823-ban született, és később Magyarország nemzeti himnuszává vált, így ő egy kulcsfontosságú alakja az ország kulturális történetének.
- A költő művei érzelmi mélységükről, filozófiai gondolataikról és irodalmi mesterségükről ismertek.
- Ez a kiadás Kölcsey összes költeményét tartalmazza, amely lehetőséget ad arra, hogy a szerző elképzeléseit és Magyarország iránti elkötelezettségét teljes egészében megértsük.
Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó
Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó is a leading Hungarian publisher renowned for producing high-quality literary works, particularly those focusing on Hungary’s literary heritage. They have been instrumental in preserving and promoting Hungarian literature for future generations.
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