Kodály Zoltán: An Ode for Music – after W. Collins and W. Shakespeare | Choral Sheet Music
Product Information
- Catalog Number: 13589
- ISMN: 9790080135891 / 979-0080135891
- Product Type: Choral Sheet Music for Mixed Voices (a cappella)
- Instrumentation: SATB
- Genre: Choral Work
- Language: Hungarian, English
- Grade: 3
- Duration: 4 minutes
- Length: 8 pages
- Format: JB/5 (18.2 x 25.7 cm)
- Weight: 0.015 kg
- Publication Date: July 1988
- Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
An Ode for Music – after W. Collins and W. Shakespeare is a choral work by Kodály Zoltán that celebrates the art of music through inspired texts by William Collins, with an English original and a Hungarian translation by Kistétényi Melinda. Written as a greeting to the Tenth Cork International Choral Festival, this piece is designed for an SATB a cappella ensemble and combines the rich traditions of choral music with a modern sensibility. The composition, lasting about 4 minutes, offers a balanced challenge for intermediate choirs (Grade 3) with its expressive dynamics and clear vocal lines.
Hungarian Translation - Áttekintés
Óda a muzsikához – W. Collins és W. Shakespeare műve nyomán Kodály Zoltán tollából egy olyan kórusmű, mely a muzsika iránti szeretetet ünnepli Collins, William szövegeinek inspirációja alapján, melyeket Kistétényi Melinda fordított magyar nyelvre. A darab a Tizedik Cork Nemzetközi Kórusfesztivál üdvözleteként készült, és egy SATB a cappella előadásra íródott. Az 4 perces mű ötvözi a kórusművészet gazdag hagyományait a modern érzékenységgel, és kiegyensúlyozott kihívást kínál a középhaladó kórusok számára (3-as nehézségi szint).
Product Features
- Setting: Mixed Voices (SATB a cappella)
- Page Count: 8 pages of clearly notated music
- Design: Printed in JB/5 format (18.2 x 25.7 cm) for optimal readability and portability
- Content:
- An inspired choral ode that combines texts by William Collins and allusions to W. Shakespeare
- Expressive and lyrical, designed to evoke the universal language of music
- Suitable for intermediate-level choirs with a balanced mix of technical and expressive demands
- Theme:
- A celebration of music’s transformative power and its ability to unite cultures and traditions
- Written as a festive greeting, it bridges historical literary inspiration with contemporary choral practice
Published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest in July 1988. All rights reserved under catalog number 13589 and ISMN 9790080135891 / 979-0080135891.
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#KodályZoltán #AnOdeForMusic #ChoralWork #MixedVoices #SATB #ChoralFestival #UniversalMusicPublishing
Hungarian (Cimkék):
#KodályZoltán #ÓdaAMuzsikához #Kórusmű #Vegyeskar #SATB #Kórusfesztivál #UniversalMusicPublishing