Kayah language New Testament / Bible Society of Myanmar / First Printing / Burgundy Vinyl Bound 2009 / KYU262 United Bible Societies / Kayah NT
Vinyl Bound 2009
ISBN: 9781921445743 / 978-1921445743
ISBN-10: 1921445742
PUBLISHER: Bible Society of Myanmar
LANGUAGE: Kayah / Karen
Kaya Western [Western Kayah]
Kayah, Western (Kayah Li script)
Alternative Language Names: Kayah Li, Karenni, Karennyi, Karieng Daeng, Red Karen, Yang Daeng
Country: Myanmar, Thailand
Language Code: kyu
English Summary:
Kayah or Kayah Li is a member of Karen branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family. It is spoken by about 590,000 people in the Kayah and Karen states of Burma (Myanmar). The language and people who speak it are also known as Western Kayah, Karenni, Karennyi, Red Karen, Yang Daeng or Karieng Daeng.
The Kayah Li alphabet was devised by Htae Bu Phae in March 1962. It is taught in schools in refugee camps in Thailand. It appears to be modelled, to some extent, on scripts such as Thai and Burmese.