Karácsony Baxteréknél by Karen Kingsbury - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF A Baxter Family Christmas (The Baxter Family) / Heartwarming and touching, filled with love and redemption
ISBN: 9786155246913 / 978-6155246913
ISBN-10: 6155246912
PAGES: 268
About the Author:
Karen Kingsbury is a New York Times bestselling author.
Hungarian Summary:
Karácsony közeledtével John Baxter merész lépésre szánja el magát: meghív egy vadidegent a közös karácsonyi családi vacsorájukra. Ám kétségek gyötrik: hogyan hat majd vajon a gyerekeire és unokáira annak a nőnek a jelenléte, aki Erin halálával kapott új esélyt az életre?
Maddie West színházi munkája során megismerkedik egy fantasztikus sráccal, akit azonban muszáj távol tartania magától, nehogy kiderüljön évek óta féltve őrzött titka. Elkeseredett imában kér égi segítséget, és a válasz ámulattal tölti el nemcsak őt, hanem az egész Baxter családot is.
A Karácsony Baxteréknél igazi ünnepi klasszikus. Ez a szívet melengető történet emlékezteti az olvasókat arra, hogy Isten megváltó szeretete minden helyzetben, még a legnagyobb veszteség közepette is elérhet bennünket.
English Summary:
Two years have passed since the terrible car accident that took the life of John Baxter’s daughter, Erin, along with her husband and three of their four daughters. Prompted by grief, and missing his daughter, John has invited a stranger for Christmas Eve dinner—Kendra Bryant, the transplant recipient who now has Erin’s heart.
But Ashley and her brother Luke are worried that this new dinner guest might be not be the best idea. They want to protect their ten-year-old niece, Amy—the only surviving member of the accident. But John is determined and believes meeting Kendra is something his deceased daughter would want Amy to do.
At the same time, Maddie West, the eighteen-year-old daughter of Brooke Baxter West, is praying for meaning this Christmas. Could she find it in a newfound friendship with a boy she never expected to see again? Maddie believes in miracles, especially at Christmastime, but this is a stretch even she can’t imagine.
Meanwhile, Kendra Bryant has been struggling these past few years to make sense of the tragedy that gave her a second chance. She believes this invitation to see the Baxters and witness their unwavering faith in God can instill peace and happiness back into her life.
Heartwarming and touching, filled with love and redemption, A Baxter Family Christmas brings together two families in the aftermath of loss and in the midst of an unfolding love story, and “will satisfy Kingsbury fans old and new” (Publishers Weekly).