KİTÊBA PÎROZ / Holy Bible in Kurdish language / Bi Kurdi (Zaravayê Kurmanji) / in Kurmanji dialect /2011
Product Features
- Translation: Holy Bible in Kurdish (Kurmanji dialect)
- Binding: Hardcover
- Pages: 1887
- ISBN: 978389970056
- Language: Kurdish (Kurmanji dialect)
- Publisher: CLV / Hoffnung und Leben
- Year of Publication: 2011
- Includes: Introduction/Preface, Bible-dictionary, and "help in need" passage references
The KİTÊBA PÎROZ is a comprehensive hardcover edition of the Holy Bible translated into the Kurdish language, specifically the Kurmanji dialect. This edition, which includes both the Old and New Testaments (Peymana Kevin û Peymana Nû), is a significant resource for Kurdish-speaking Christians and those interested in the study of biblical texts in this language. The Bible comes with an introduction and preface, a helpful Bible dictionary, and references for passages that offer guidance in times of need. With 1887 pages, this edition is a substantial volume that provides a deep and enriching experience of the Scriptures for Kurdish readers.
The Kurdish language is spoken by millions of people, primarily in the region of Kurdistan, which spans across parts of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. The Kurmanji dialect is one of the major dialects of the Kurdish language. The publication of the Holy Bible in Kurmanji is a significant cultural and religious milestone, as it makes the sacred texts accessible to a large population that previously might have had limited access to the Bible in their native tongue. The translation efforts reflect a dedication to meeting the spiritual needs of Kurdish-speaking communities around the world.
Specific reviews for the KİTÊBA PÎROZ in the Kurmanji dialect are not provided, but the availability of the Holy Bible in Kurdish is likely to be highly valued by Kurdish-speaking Christians and those interested in the Christian faith. The hardcover binding and additional resources included in this edition make it a practical and durable choice for both personal study and communal worship.We encourage you to share your thoughts on the KİTÊBA PÎROZ and your experiences with our service by writing a review. Your insights are important to us and help others in their spiritual journey.
KİTÊBA PÎROZ, edîsyona herî berfireh a Pîroza Nûrê bi zimanê Kurdî, bi taybetî dialekta Kurmanji, ye. Ev edîsyon, ku hem Peymana Kevîn hem jî Peymana Nûrê (Peymana Kevin û Peymana Nû) tê de, wek rêbera berfirehtirîn ji aliyê xwendekarên Kurdî re û ewên ku bi zimanê xwendinên dînî yên vê zimanê hêsan dixwînin, dihesibîne. Pîroza bi pêşnîyara xwepêşandan û pêşnîyarê ve hatiye peyda kirin, dicewirîna fermanan ya hindek fermanan ku rehmet û rêberî di demên dûrxwaziyê de pêşkêş dike. Bi 1887 rûpelan, ev edîsyon, ji bo xwendekarên Kurdî, belgeyeke bilind û zengîn a Nûrê amade dike.
Agahdar, zimanê Kurdî ji milyonan kesan re tête axaftin, bi taybetî di herêmê Kurdistanê de, ku di çar parçeyan de di navbera Tirkiyê, Sûriyê, Iraq û Îran de dibe. Dialekta Kurmanji yek ji dialekten mezin ê zimanê Kurdî ye. Çapkirina Pîroza Nûrê bi Kurmanji tîştekî pêşkêşkirinê ye ku di warê çandî û dînî de mijar e, ji ber ku pêdiviyên wî bi zimanê xwe yê zimanê Kurdî de dihatin birêvebirin, alîkarî bi destpêkirina Pîroza Nûrê li zimanê wan hîn zêdetir li gorîhevkarî û naveroka wê ya pîrozbahiya gelan meşand.