Jesus Our Only Real Hope (Chinese Edition)
ISBN: 9783866982482
"Jesus Our Only Real Hope" explores the life, teachings, and significance of Jesus of Nazareth, not only as a historical figure but as the Son of God. This evangelism booklet invites readers to reflect on Jesus' origins, actions, words, and the reasons behind His crucifixion. It challenges every reader to consider their response to Jesus—whether to accept Him as Savior and Lord or to turn away, understanding the eternal consequences of that decision. Written in simple language and beautifully presented, this booklet is ideal for personal reflection or as a tool for outreach and evangelism.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Year: 1999
- Pages: 48
- Language: Chinese (Simplified)
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Purpose: Evangelism booklet encouraging reflection and decision about Jesus Christ
Interesting Facts
- The booklet delves into fundamental questions about Jesus' life, mission, and identity, making it an excellent resource for seekers and new believers.
- It presents the Gospel message in a clear and concise manner, making it a powerful tool for evangelism.
- Written to encourage readers to make a personal decision about their relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag, a trusted name in Christian literature, known for producing resources that encourage faith and spiritual growth.
- Compact and lightweight, this booklet is easy to carry and distribute, making it perfect for outreach ministries or sharing with friends and family.
Gute Botschaft Verlag (GBV) is a respected Christian publisher dedicated to spreading God’s word through biblically grounded and spiritually enriching literature.
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#JesusOurOnlyRealHope #EvangelismBooklet #ChristianBooks #GospelMessage #FaithResources #JesusChrist #BiblicalTruth #ChristianLiving #GuteBotschaftVerlag #EvangelismTools
中文描述 (Chinese Description)
- 形式: 平装本
- 出版年份: 1999年
- 页数: 48页
- 语言: 简体中文
- 出版社: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- 用途: 鼓励关于耶稣基督的反思与决策的布道小册子
- 本书探讨了关于耶稣生平、使命和身份的根本问题,是寻求者和新信徒的绝佳资源。
- 它以清晰简洁的方式呈现福音信息,是布道的有力工具。
- 鼓励读者对与耶稣基督的关系做出个人决策。
- 由Gute Botschaft Verlag出版,这是一家以出版推动信仰和属灵成长的基督教书籍而闻名的出版社。
- 小册子体积小、重量轻,便于携带和分发,非常适合用于外展事工或与亲友分享。
Gute Botschaft Verlag(GBV)是一家备受尊敬的基督教出版社,致力于通过符合圣经教义的文学作品传播神的话语。
#耶稣我们唯一真正的希望 #布道小册子 #基督教书籍 #福音信息 #信仰资源 #耶稣基督 #圣经真理 #基督徒生活 #GuteBotschaftVerlag #布道工具