Jesus Christ - Iisus Hristos / Romanian Language Narration About the Life, Mission and Message of Jesus Christ
Product Details
- Paperback: 156 pages
- Publisher: Editura enciclopedica (1992)
- Language: Romanian
- ISBN-10: 9734500279
- ISBN-13: 978-9734500277
- Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.7 x 0.4 inches
"Jesus Christ - Iisus Hristos" is a profound exploration of the life, mission, and message of Jesus Christ, narrated in Romanian. This book serves as an essential resource for those seeking to understand the spiritual and historical significance of Jesus within the Christian faith. Authored by Ion Bria, it delves into the teachings and impact of Jesus, making it accessible to Romanian-speaking audiences.
Product Features
Engaging Narrative
The book presents a compelling narrative that captures the essence of Jesus Christ's life and teachings, making it suitable for both personal reflection and academic study.
Cultural Relevance
Written in Romanian, this book is particularly valuable for Romanian speakers who wish to deepen their understanding of Christian theology and the historical context of Jesus's life.
Scholarly Insight
Ion Bria, a respected theologian, provides insights that are both scholarly and accessible, ensuring that readers can grasp complex theological concepts.
Interesting Facts
- Author Background: Ion Bria is known for his contributions to Romanian theology and has written extensively on Christian topics, making him a credible voice in this narrative.
- Historical Context: The book was published in 1992, a significant time for Romanian literature as the country was undergoing a cultural renaissance post-communism.
- Language Significance: The use of the Romanian language in religious texts helps preserve cultural identity and promotes the accessibility of Christian teachings to native speakers.
- Editura enciclopedica is known for its commitment to publishing quality literature that enriches the Romanian cultural and spiritual landscape.
Track Listing
Not applicable for this book.
#JesusChrist #IisusHristos #RomanianLiterature #ChristianTheology #IonBria #SpiritualGrowth #RomanianBooks #Faith #Mission #Message
Romanian Translation Section
"Isus Hristos - Iisus Hristos" este o explorare profundă a vieții, misiunii și mesajului lui Isus Hristos, narat în limba română. Această carte servește ca o resursă esențială pentru cei care doresc să înțeleagă semnificația spirituală și istorică a lui Isus în cadrul credinței creștine. Scrisă de Ion Bria, aceasta se adâncește în învățăturile și impactul lui Isus, făcându-l accesibil publicului vorbitor de română.
Fapte Interesante
- Context Istoric: Cartea a fost publicată în 1992, un moment semnificativ pentru literatura română, deoarece țara trecea printr-o renaștere culturală post-comunistă.
#IsusHristos #LiteraturaRomână #TeologieCreștină #IonBria #Crestinism #CumpărăOnline